Welcome to landing page for the Jackson-Reed Website Club.  This page is a space for:

  • Keeping up to date on our activities as well as providing a planning space.
  • Sign up for projects and update your progress.
  • Keep track of community service hours

This Week

  • Rework of task system.
  • Have a task?  Do I need to do something to help?
    • AliceD - meeting with College & Career
    • LolaP - email to department heads
    • Leah - email to Dave Thompson and Obi Kingsley
    • AliceP - check Community Service
    • Clara - check Opps
  • Surveys?


Need a Task?

Academies under Director Lorenzo

Blue Sky Link

Academies under Director Wims

Check Links

Check Website Search

Whose Doing What?

Who?Task NameNotes/ Progress
AliceDCollege & Career

Let's get this going - Alice - let's talk about setting up meeting with Ms. Levenson and Mr. Reeves.

AliceDCounseling Page

Dual Enrollment is just a post and a link to DCPS page - add more language?   Check Scholarship table.. won't show up when not logged in but display says always for both row/column and table itself. help! Note from Clara: Scholarships view is fixed, it was on private so

lolapAdd Office Hours to Staff Table

Update - need to rework form to allow dropdowns so neet and tidy! Will change hours optiosn to before school; lunch; after school. Rework Room to be Room for office hours. Elizabeth will update form and then Lola will update data. As part of the MTSS process, Coach T (cc'd)

lolapCourse Catalog

Elizabeth needs to get copy of most recent catalog.

lolapUpdate Department Pages

Elizabeth will email department heads and cc Lola to get the ball rolling!

lolapUpdates for Math Department Page
lolapUpdates for Social Studies Department Page
ClaraOpportunity Table - Clean Up

Lets talk about what kind of shape this is in.

SageRedesign Student Nav

Work on redesign of Student menu options.Take a look at analytics - see Footer task. Can we make a forms page to serve as landing page for all forms? Take a look at updated analytics page - particularly the top 100 clicks on Home Page to see what people are

GavinPush to Social Media

Which links? Push out info? Design? 1. Look at plugins that integrate a post - Instagram 2. (Jessica needs to give login info) 3. Setup test if can't get. 4 Research other way Instagram to Webite - might be different plugin.

Leah FletcherTech Help Page Review

Can someone review this with Dave Thompson or Obi and see if it needs tweaks? - Leah - I'll email both of them today with you on it to cover all these issues.

Leah FletcherUsing Personal Devices or Bringing Your Own Device (BYOD)

Talked to Obi about this today - will set up a meeting with him next week - what works for you Leah? Elizabeth is going to email Dave Thompson to see if they still need this.

Leah FletcherWhite List Request

Elizabeth is going to email Dave Thompson to see if this is something that is useful to them or if they want to include on their office form.

ElsaRedesign Footer

Take a look at updated analytics page - particularly the top 100 clicks on Home Page to see what people are using.  Can things be moved from top menus down here? Or put in both places if used enough. Also if you want a full look at all the Clicks

AlicePMove/Combine Community Based Organizations Page

https://jacksonreedhs.org/students/community-based-organizations/ This page should be combined with Community Service - https://jacksonreedhs.org/students/community-service/

MeredithColors for Website

Let's play with some color tools to get better colors! You can use one of these slots on the Style Playground or update the Colors brainstorming page which has shockingly little on it. Do you know how to save a palette as a pic and upload it to a page?

Who?Task NameNotes/ Progress

Your Tasks

PriorityTask NameNotes/ Progress
Home page
Separate Out Community Service
Opportunity Page
Add Class Info to Home Page
PriorityTask NameNotes/ Progress

Don't have any tasks? Talk to a one of the team leads and/or look at our to do list!

Your Big Tasks

TitleStatusGeneral Description of PurposeNext Steps

No entries match your request.

TitleStatusGeneral Description of PurposeNext Steps


Website Club December Update

December 4, 2024

Things to discuss at meeting:

  • Can we increase participation – just Clara, Alice, Simone and Elizabeth last Tuesday working group.  And even fewer the week before.  If can’t come – sign up for some tasks.
  • If you are in training – talk to Simone today to update training table so we know where you are and we can start assigning tasks.  Or help if stuck.
  • Added some new tasks – those should be showing up in top priority.
  • Removed myself from tasks list to keep it cleaner – mine will be off.
  • I did add one more darn table – an Admin view of all tasks –  mainly for me 🙂

Our Team


3 Main Goals

  1. Maintain the current website – provide support as needed.  Talk to Ms. Lawrence and other members of the front office on how best to do this.  Customers & clients of the site include:
    1. Front office:  Jessica Lawrence (head of communications), Tomiwa Omoniyi and Joe Bellino (back-end forms), Dionne Clemmons (Clubs), Marquan Roberts (Lockers), Elizabeth Levenson (College & Career).
    2. Teachers – department heads and club sponsors
    3. Students
    4. Parents
  2. Design:  start working on improving the overall design of the website as well as targeting smaller sections.  Tie this in with students from Graphic Design.
  3. Custom Solutions:  start working on streamlining existing solutions using Gravity Forms & Views like Clubs, Attendance, Lockers, Schedule Change Request as well as brainstorming new solutions.

Plans for Next Month

  • Define Goals for this School Year.
    • Set up workable organization
    • Compile lists of known task for year
    • Plan training/learning path
    • Establish method of assigning and tracking projects.
  • Recruit & Strengthen Club
    • Create plan to recruit more member
    • Implement training plan
    • Implement plan to assign tasks.
  • Start Thinking About What We Want to Accomplish This Year!

Topics to Learn 2023-24 School Year

  • Review of Beaver Builder
  • Review of Gravity Forms & Views.  View or data tables including types of tables, filtering and custom content with merge tags.  Do we know this?  Relation to club views?
  • Posts - review of how to create them and how to use categories & tags to display.  Modules in Beaver Builder to display posts.  How we are using them on site.
  • Beaver Builder theme - how to style the website.
  • Intro to CSS - how to do custom styling on the website.
  • Plugins.  What they are.  How to pick them.  How to use them.
  • User Role Plugin - how security works.
  • Security plugins - how we keep the website from getting hacked.  What do we do if it is hacked?

3 Main Goals

  1. Maintain the current website – provide support as needed.  Talk to Ms. Lawrence and other members of the front office on how best to do this.  Customers & clients of the site include:
    1. Front office:  Jessica Lawrence (head of communications), Tomiwa Omoniyi and Joe Bellino (back-end forms), Dionne Clemmons (Clubs), Marquan Roberts (Lockers), Elizabeth Levenson (College & Career).
    2. Teachers – department heads and club sponsors
    3. Students
    4. Parents
  2. Design:  start working on improving the overall design of the website as well as targeting smaller sections.  Tie this in with students from Graphic Design.
  3. Custom Solutions:  start working on streamlining existing solutions using Gravity Forms & Views like Clubs, Attendance, Lockers, Schedule Change Request as well as brainstorming new solutions.

Planning Tools


This was the original proposal to create the new website.  Contains useful information on what we are trying to do.


This shows the general timeline of the whole process.  You'll notice that we are behind a little 🙂

Our Help

This is general WordPress help that is geared to the tools we are using for this site.  The first two lessons are the ones to start with - Basics of WordPress and Updating Content

Behind the Scenes

Some very useful info about how this website is setup.

All Updates

September 10th Website Club Update

September 10, 2024

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Website Club Update Week of 10/4

October 4, 2023

First official meeting was last week. We got everyone to create an account on our mock site and fill out an interest form. I was supposed to get a WordPress course up by the weekend but ran into issues with the plugin I normally use so researched and switched to a new one. That said…

Week of 9/11

September 13, 2023

Preparing for the Club Fair Alice is going to print flyers and Remind Code for club fair. And get candy for our table. Clara’s making a poster. Both are ready with talking points. Thursday Meeting: Review and get feedback of Club Fair material Review and work on Beaver Builder pages Baked goods! Next Week: Club…

September 7 Meeting

September 7, 2023

To do: Meet Ms. Lawrence Review Last Weeks Notes Review plans for Club Fair & Interest Club Review Beaver Builder Beaver Builder: Make this page in jrhs.site/mock Can find Help here.

Website Club 8/31 Meeting Notes

August 31, 2023

First meeting of the school year.  We did a review of all the new functionality in the now live Jackson-Reed website.  And we talked a lot about what to do over the year. 3 Main Goals Maintain the current website – provide support as needed.  Talk to Ms. Lawrence and other members of the front…

May 25th Meeting Agenda

May 25, 2023

Attendance & Locker forms signed off by Mr. Bellino – YAY!!! Ms. Clemmons wants to look at clubs page – she has new ones to add –  how we doing on that? Alice/Clara – any decisions on notes & keeping track of lists? Gavin – photo club? Lily…what were you doing? Go Live Status –…

May 18th Meeting Planning

May 18, 2023

First one in over a month!!! Just re-gathering. Assignments: Alice – finish entering clubs Clara – Club View – let’s discuss Gavin – Lily – Drawing a blank.  You know what we need …a secretary!  Just to keep track of who signs up for what.  Can you all see “Our Task List”?  https://jacksonreedhs.org/mock/website-club-to-do-list/ Can we…

April 13 Meeting

April 13, 2023

Small meeting! We first reviewed what remains to be done to get the site live: Get Clubs done – missing H & I, T & W – Alice is doing Finalize attendance & locker request form exports to Mr. Bellino. Contact with Kids Ride Free person and set up form correctly. Finish Staff List Confirm…

March 30 Meeting

April 2, 2023

Alice showed up with five new recruits – which threw our plans a little off as we spent most of our time getting them up to speed. Which made me realize that we need a plan for starting new members. I started adding a new members section to the Website Club Home page. Those of…

March 16 Update

March 19, 2023

Wow – it’s been a while. Trying to get back on track post February break! We reviewed forms some including this flow chart for how the Add a Club process will work. Take a minute to look at it! Still working on some of the details including the suggestion that we integrate login to this…