Club Name:Whisper
Club Description

Whisper is a social grassroots movement designed to make friendly social and emotional connections among peers. The organization tackles various issues like mental health (depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts), bullying, loneliness/isolation, tech addiction, drug abuse, etc. Whisper wants to change the culture by building a community of people who support each other. 


Proposed Activities

Whisper combines processes and events. Without the process, there’s no lasting change. Without events, only a few are impacted. But process and events together lead to the deepest level of transformation. That’s why we emphasize a 40-day season with gatherings as well as catalytic events that spark momentum for an entire school.  

From united to ignited, and then the school will be invited.

Do you have an Interest Meeting Planned?No
Meeting & Communication Information
Meeting DayTue, Thu
How Often Does it MeetOnce every 2 Weeks
Meeting Place:Library
Club MakeupIf a club has more than 50 members, there must be two sponsors.
Sponsor Name:Camille Ross
Sponsor Email:Email hidden; Javascript is required.
Sponsor 2 Name:Simona Gerhardt
Sponsor 2 Email:Email hidden; Javascript is required.
Student Leader Name:Landon Green
Student Leader Email:Email hidden; Javascript is required.
Club Members:

Raya Bing (
Jade Curry (
Noah Person (

Club Status
Sponsor Approved? (Only for Sponsor)Yes