Club Name:American Red Cross Club
Image/Logo for Your Club:Image/Logo for Your Club:
Club Description

A student-run organization dedicated to promoting humanitarian efforts and community service within the school. The Club will organize blood drives, disaster preparedness initiatives, and fundraising events to support the Red Cross initiative. The club provides students with opportunities to develop leadership skills, learn about humanitarian aid, and make a positive impact on their community.

Proposed Activities

-Blood Drives

-CPR/AED First Aid Certification Opportunities

-Disaster Relief Preparedness

Club FairY
Meeting & Communication Information
Specific time (if needed)12:00 pm
How Often Does it MeetOther
Other frequency:2x a Month
Meeting Place:A302 (Across from the Athletic Suite)
Club MakeupIf a club has more than 50 members, there must be two sponsors.
Sponsor Name:Jen Conklin
Sponsor Email:Email hidden; Javascript is required.
Student Leader Name:Margo Lewis
Club Status
New club?1
Sponsor Approved? (Only for Sponsor)Yes