Unique Community Service Opportunity for Students interested in History

Students from St. John’s College High School, in conjunction with the Chevy Chase Historical Society, are working on a Oral History project to interview pre-identified residents from upper Northwest about their neighborhoods and growing up in DC.   Looking for three or four Jackson-Reed students to participate in this project which takes place over the course of several months and will result in 30-40 hours of community service.   Please note that there are three training sessions at MLK Jr. Public Library (Jan 23, Jan 25, and Jan 30 from 6pm to 8pm) that are mandatory in order to participate in this worthy project.   Not only will selected students earn community service, they will also have a valuable addition to their resumes working on this project with DC librarians, other students, and historians.

If you are interested and can commit to the three training sessions, please complete this brief form to apply:Oral History Opportunity (google.com)