Locker Policy

  • All lockers are the property of Jackson-Reed High School.
  • The school assumes NO responsibility for loss or damage of any item in a locker, locked or unlocked.
  • At any time, the school administration can search lockers to ensure the safety of the school. A student need not be present when his/her locker is being searched. Students are solely responsible for the contents of the locker. Students are not to share lockers with another student.
  • Students will be charged a $25 fee for damaged lockers.
  • All lockers will be cleared out at the end of the year. Any items left in lockers will become school property.
  • Please contact Mr. Obi Kingsley for more information.
Please Note: this form should be filled out by a student.  If a parent or guardian fills it out, please enter the students' email address.

Locker Request Form

We will email your locker # and combination when it's assigned.

Need Help with a Locker?

Submit a Help request.