Clubs & Activities 

Jackson-Reed has over 200 clubs and other activities for it's students.  Don't see one you like?  Make your own!

  • If you have any questions about clubs or how to create one, please see Ms. Dionne Clemmons in the main office.  You can also email Ms. Elizabeth Mettler for additional support.
  • Sponsors, if you do not have an account,  request one in order to login and create a club.
Important: the last date to register a club is Thursday, October 31.

Sponsors - How to Add a Club

  • Must have an account on the Jackson-Reed website.
    • If you have an account but forgot your password - go to Login link on the Quicklinks menu. Click the Lost Your Password link to reset your password.  Your username will be firstname.lastname.
    • If you do not have an account - email either Ms. Clemmons or Ms. Mettler.
  • Once account is set, login in to the website.
  • Click Add a Club button at top of Staff Landing page.

All Clubs

  Club Name: Club Description & Mission Proposed Activities Meeting Day Meeting Time
Image/Logo for Your Club:Youth and Government (YAG)

The mission of the YMCA DC Youth & Government program is to empower youth to become ethical leaders and responsible citizens. The purpose of the program is to bring the workings of city government to life for the students. It creates a hands-on opportunity for students to discuss current issues with each

In this club, students: Meet once a week to learn about the legislative, judicial, and executive branches in their local government Discuss local policy goals that are important to them and participate in bill writing workshops in order to prepare for the annual Legislative Weekend that takes place at One


Whisper is a social grassroots movement designed to make friendly social and emotional connections among peers. The organization tackles various issues like mental health (depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts), bullying, loneliness/isolation, tech addiction, drug abuse, etc. Whisper wants to change the culture by building a community of people who support each

Whisper combines processes and events. Without the process, there’s no lasting change. Without events, only a few are impacted. But process and events together lead to the deepest level of transformation. That’s why we emphasize a 40-day season with gatherings as well as catalytic events that spark momentum for an

Tue, ThuSTEP
Image/Logo for Your Club:Weightlifting Club

The Weightlifting is a community for individuals eager to expand their knowledge and skill in weightlifting. Our club is designed for anyone interested in building strength, technique, and gain a deeper understanding of weight training.

We will meet twice a month during lunch hours, providing a convenient opportunity to lean and lift together. We will have various topics, including proper lifting techniques, nutrition, recovery strategies, and injury prevention.

Image/Logo for Your Club:Website Club

Our initial mission was to redesign the purpose of the school's website.  It will be the central repository of easily accessible information about that school that is available for staff, parents and students.  But, it also can be a method for students to gain valuable experience and skills in the

Maintain the current website –keep content updated and make necessary tweaks to pages and forms.  Work with teachers & staff to support them. Design:  continue to work on improving the overall design of the website as well as targeting smaller sections. Custom Solutions:  start working on streamlining existing solutions using

Unión Latina

Our mission at Jackson-Reed High School: Create sense of unity among Latino students and with the entire student community. Advocate for inclusion and against discrimination among students, teachers, and school administration. Advocate for learning that is responsive to and reflective of Latino students, including more resources for MLL, inclusion of

Hispanic Heritage Month Soccer Tournament Weekly lunch meeting for planning and community  

UAV Drone Club

The UAV Drone Club is dedicated to fostering interest and skills in UAV drone technology among students. We work, build, customize and fly drones! We collaborate, learn, and prepare for these events to participate in various competitions and events, including the TSA State Competition and TSA National Leadership Conferences each

TSA State & National Competition UAV Drone Challenge Expos School learning/presenting events  

Tue, ThuSTEP

Student and Staff have the opportunity to broadcast live sports and other events here at Jackson-Reed.

Broadcast (Sports) Events and hold Club meetings to compile and edit videos.

TuePM (after school)
Tigers Vote 2024!

Tigers Vote is a club that encourages young voters or unregistered voters to vote in the 2024, and so on, election. Our mission is to register voters inside and outside of the school.

Tigers Vote is a club that encourages young voters or unregistered voters to vote in the 2024, and so on, election. Our mission is to register voters inside and outside of the school.

Image/Logo for Your Club:The Jackson-Reed Players

The Jackson-Reed Players is a group of twelve upperclassmen who put on theater productions throughout the school year! Other than our winter play, all of our productions are student acted, written, and directed. Participating in Players' productions is a great way to get some theater experience in a fun, low-stakes

Each year, we put on 3 theater productions: Play in a Day: Students have 24 hours to write, act, and direct skits (early October) Winter Play: Players hire an outside director and put on a production (mid November through early February) One Acts: Student write, direct, and act in comedic

Image/Logo for Your Club:The Birds & The Bees Sexual Health Club

Our mission is to spread awareness about sexual health to our peers and teachers while also working to combat the stigma surrounding the complex topic of sexual health and wellness. People should join because it’s a safe, fun, and open space to discuss and explore taboo topics, while doing exciting

Our club will start with an educational piece on the topic of the week, ie: condoms, STI prevention, etc. Then we’ll transition into outreach projects, like condom packing, classroom presentations, and event prep.

Image/Logo for Your Club:The Beacon

The Beacon is an award-winning newspaper that publishes throughout the year, beginning within the first month of school and ending in June. This newspaper aims to reflect student life at Jackson-Reed and amplify the voice of its students. Recently, The Beacon expanded to offer a magazine published four times a

Monthly interest meetings will usher in new contributors and welcome our ever-evolving and expanding staff. We will publish breaking news and longform pieces on the web, evergreen stories in print, push the boundaries of art + design in our magazine, + give voice to the student body. Our club will

Tailoring Club

The mission/objective of the Tailoring Club is to have members create their own individual portfolio work/projects to present at the end of the school year.

Create with clothing in different ways such as... Sew Hem Design Tye-dye Accessorize Etc.

Image/Logo for Your Club:Stop the Bleed

Our mission is to educate people on first aid and preventable deaths from trauma injuries The purpose is to educate people on providing life saving first aid, people should join because we never know what might happen in our lives and we should be prepared for it.

Trainings and informational sessions.

Société d'Honneur de Français

Société Honoraire de Français encourages academic achievement in advanced French classes. This is a school chapter of the national organization sponsored by AATF (American Association of Teachers of French). Students must be in Advanced French or AP French with Ms. Foxen and have a grade of at least A- in

We will meet at least once monthly to plan a community service connected to French language.

Social Justice Club

To empower students to engage in social justice advocacy by fostering awareness, promoting inclusivity, and mobilizing the school community towards meaningful change. We strive to educate ourselves and others on pressing social issues and amplify marginalized voices while collaborating with local organizations to create a more equitable society.

We will serve as advocates for students at Jackson-Reed who feel marginalized. We will fight for human and civil rights by working with school officials and organizations to restore and promote social civility and inclusivity.

Image/Logo for Your Club:Skills USA/Graphic Design CTSO

Skills USA is a CTSO (Career Technical Student Organization), a chapter of a professional student organization that provides leadership opportunities for students. It is open to all students, but will be tailored to Graphic Design Academy students at Jackson-Reed or students who have a passion for Graphic Design.

-Monthly Chapter meetings at lunch in Ms. Stryker's room C204b -Club members will organize a community service event, a service-learning event, a fundraiser, and also compete in regional and national design competititions.

Save the Children

The Save the Children Club is dedicated to spreading awareness and advocating in support of issues affecting kids. We’re building bipartisan will and voter support to make sure every child in the U.S. has access to high-quality early learning and that children in conflict-affected areas are protected. The policy priorities of

Training in political advocacy tactics like lobbying, petitioning, tabling, etc. We will also be executing big projects that are focused on one key issue, every semester. These projects include donation drives, volunteering, writing to legislators, and more!

WedPM (after school)

ROX provides students with the opportunity to learn the life skills that they need to effectively navigate their world. ROX wants students to believe in themselves and in each other and have the opportunity to: increase their self-confidence and healthy decision-making, develop strong and supportive connections with one another, possess

ROX provides students with the opportunity to learn the life skills that they need to effectively navigate their world. ROX wants students to believe in themselves and in each other and have the opportunity to: increase their self-confidence and healthy decision-making, develop strong and supportive connections with one another, possess the skills to

Roots and Shoots

The purpose of Roots and Shoots is to raise awareness about environmental issues and get people involved in helping the planet.

We do documentary viewings and park cleanups, we are also building a hydroponic garden.

MonPM (after school)
Image/Logo for Your Club:Psychology Club

Each week in Psych Club we have slides about a different psychology-based topic! In the past, we've talked about Autism Spectrum Disorder, Mass Hysteria, Psychopathy, Deja Vu, and many more things. Past conversations & slides can be found here!

We have discussions and fun activities like games. We hope to make posters in May for Mental Health Awareness Month.

MonPM (after school)
Image/Logo for Your Club:Ping Pong Club

Club Purpose: To give students a chance to learn and practice ping pong Club Objective: To create a fun atmosphere where students of any ability and experience level can have a good time playing ping pong.

Proposed Activities: To play ping pong!

Tue, ThuPM (after school)
Pickleball Club

Club Description: The Jackson-Reed High School Pickleball Club is a welcoming and vibrant community for students of all skill levels who are interested in learning, playing, and improving their pickleball game. Whether you're new to the sport or an experienced player, our club provides a fun, inclusive environment where members

The Jackson-Reed High School Pickleball Club is designed to promote skill development, teamwork, and fun for all students of all backgrounds.

Physics Club

Our mission is to empower students to feel like physics is something they're capable of. We aim to make physics a more accessible field for high school students by providing research opportunities, interactions with and guidance from local leaders in the field.

Physics research, practical demonstrations, Physics Bowl, speakers, physics-based discussions.

Tue, ThuSTEP, PM (after school)
Image/Logo for Your Club:Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Club

The Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Club (PPE) is a space for students to explore and discuss the topics of philosophy, politics, and economics and how they connect to our modern world. Through discussions/debates, current events and literature we aim to understand how these fields shape our societies and impact our

In PPE we want to discuss and think about ideas related to Philosophy, Politics and Economics. We will do this by reading books and watching films as a group and discussing them, having debates and discussions as well as writing and even publishing arguments and ideas.

WedPM (after school)
Philosophy Club

Our mission is to bring the teaching of philosophy to students at Jackson-Reed, providing what our school is yet to offer its students. 

We’ll have philosophical debates and conversation about the interests of our members. We’ll of course watch videos on philosophy and read philosophical texts. 

MonPM (after school)
  Club Name: Club Description & Mission Proposed Activities Meeting Day Meeting Time

Social Media Guidelines

Social media can be a powerful tool to engage with supporters, showcase our school's achievements, and build a strong community. However, it also poses potential risks if not handled carefully. We aim to ensure that our school's social media accounts are free from inappropriate content that could negatively impact our school community.

Several existing Instagram accounts exist for clubs and activities, including those from previous school years (Wilson). To avoid confusion, we ask that all clubs and activities provide their most recent Instagram accounts with Ms. Clemmons to be posted on the school website. Any official Jackson-Reed account must list Jackson-Reed (JR), JRTigers, or Tigers with the club or activity on the page (i.e., Tigersdsa- Disability Student Alliance). The bio should contain the sentence, "The official account of the (school year) Jackson-Reed (your club or activity) " All login information must be shared with the club sponsor and monitored regularly. The sponsor must approve any student posts before posting them on official accounts.

To achieve this, we kindly ask that you communicate the following guidelines to our club and activities students and anyone with access to the social media accounts:

  • Respect: All posts and comments should adhere to the principles of respect. Any behavior that promotes negativity or disrespects other students or student groups will not be tolerated.
  • Avoid Inappropriate Content: We must avoid any content that includes offensive language, discriminatory remarks, or explicit materials. Encourage those to think before they post and consider the potential consequences of their content.
  • Think Twice Before Posting: Remind our club and activities members to think twice before posting anything. Encourage them to ask themselves if their post aligns with our ROAR values and whether it could be misconstrued or misunderstood.
  • Please refrain from Personal Attacks: Disagreements are a natural part of school interactions, but we should discourage any personal attacks through our social media accounts.
  • Promote #Tigerpride: Emphasize using social media to highlight collaboration, club/activity accomplishments, upcoming events, etc. Positive content helps to foster a strong sense of community.
  • Monitoring and Reporting: Regularly monitor club and activities' social media accounts to ensure compliance with these guidelines. Official accounts should not follow unofficial accounts with questionable content. When this happens, the account in question is recommended to your followers, giving the impression that J-R endorses their content. If any inappropriate content is spotted, report it immediately to Ms. Clemmons or Ms. Lawrence for review and appropriate action.