Beaver Builder

Learn about  how to create a page using Beaver Builder.  This should include:

  • how to create rows & columns including padding, margins, styling
  • how to use all the Beaver Builder modules that we commonly use for the Jackson-Reed Website.
  • These include buttons, headings, text editors, callouts, accordions, posts sliders, photo galleries and more.

I'm just a boring text editor box but I can be used for so much!



Can be used to combine a heading, image, text and a link or button in one handy package.  You could build them separately but when done like this they are easy to move around!

Accordions & Icons

We also use icons sometimes to especially on buttons.  Above is an icon group.

Photo Gallery

Website Updates

February Community Conversation

Join Principal Brown on Thursday, February 13, at 6:00 pm in the College & Career Center to discuss the budget process and the results of our SY26 budget survey.

Term 3 Town Halls for Students and Families

This week, students will come together for their term 3 town halls. Announcements/reminders will be made over the loudspeaker. See below for more information Student Town Halls Wednesday, Feb 5 Freshman, 11:00 am-11:45 am Sophomore, 2:45 pm- 3:30 pm Thursday, Feb 6 Juniors, 2:45 pm – 3:30 pm Seniors, 11:00 am – 11:45 am: Herff-Jones will…

NAF News: 25-26 SY Academy Applications Open

Jackson-Reed Academy Application: Open from Feb 1, 2025 – Sep 5, 2025 Access to the SY 2025-2026 Academy Application  will go live at 6:00 am on 2/1/2025 and will close at 5:00 pm on 9/5/2025. Students are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis while there is room. Once an academy’s capacity is full, we’ll indicate…

Black Arts Showcase: Feb 25

See the flyer below for the J-R Black Student Union’s Black Arts Showcase!

National Honor Society Induction Ceremony

We will be hosting the Induction Ceremony for the National Honor Society on Tuesday February 11th at 6:30pm in the Jackson-Reed HS auditorium. Please join us to celebrate our newest members. Refreshments will be served after the ceremony.

Post Slider

Set the Posts slider up to show the last 5 slides that have the "keyposts" tag on it.  Have them scroll cleanly!  You'll need to do some styling for the posts too - can you figure out how to do the transparency?

Row Design

Notice the green wave above website updates?  How do you make that - go to Row Settings - on the Style tab look for Top Row - set it to Waves with a height of 30 and set the color to our green. #D9E9E5

More Posts

Sometimes we show posts in a grid or masonry format.  Do this for all the fundraisers!  We also set a background color on this row to make it stand out.  Let's just show the first three in a column but play around with!

Mark your Calendar!  Pete’s Apizza Fundraiser for Jackson-Reed Baseball Team

On Tuesday February 6, Pete’s Apizza (4940 Wisconsin Avenue) will be donating 25% of sales to support the Jackson-Reed baseball boosters.  Bring family and friends, have dinner, and support the team as it gets ready to head off to the Dominican Republic.  The money raised will help defray the costs incurred during the spring season,…