SAT for 11th Grade on March 13

Dear Class of 2025 Students & Families, 
The spring SAT at Jackson-Reed HS is almost here! For the first time, students will be taking a digital SAT. It will be very similar to the digital PSAT they took in the Fall.
This Wednesday, 3/13, all juniors will take the SAT and will be excused from classes for the day. All students should report to the pool entrance beginning at 7:45am and no later than 8:30am.
Students will need to bring their fully charged laptop, their computer charger, their school ID, and a pencil for work on scrap paper plus any snacks or drinks they would like. Students who show up without a computer may not be able to take the SAT. We unfortunately will not be able to provide snacks. They will not need a calculator as there is a Desmos graphing calculator in the testing application. However, they are still welcome to bring their own calculator if they prefer. Scrap paper will be provided. Students will not be allowed to have any devices (including phones, laptops, tablets, smart watches, etc.) with them in the testing room or during breaks.
Once students clear security at the pool entrance, they will be required to turn off their cellphones and place their phone in the backpacks. All backpacks will be safely stored in the concessions hallway. It is recommended that students not bring sports gear and additional bags on testing day. After students have secured their phones and bags, they will enter the gym and check-in for the test. Students will then be assigned seating in either the auxiliary gym, the main gym, or a classroom depending on arrival time and accommodations status. Please note that only students who received approval from College Board will be afforded accommodations. The exam should start by 9:00am. No students will be permitted to enter the testing space once the doors to the gym have closed. Students who are late will be sent back to the main entrance and will go to their classes. Because we want everyone to test on Wednesday, please remind students to arrive between 7:45am and 8:30am in order to clear security and make it through the check-in process. Students with standard time are expected to finish the test around 11:45am and will be dismissed for the day after finishing the exam. Students with extended time will finish later in the day but will also be dismissed when they finish their exam. Students with extended time will also be afforded a “nutrition break” where they may eat a packed lunch.
In order to prepare for the digital administration, students should do two things: make sure the Bluebook app is downloaded and updated and create a College Board account.
The Bluebook app should be on all DCPS-issued devices. For students using a personal device, please download the app using these instructions (link to Students should open the app before test day to make sure it is updated.
Creating a College Board account allows our students to access their scores from College Board and allows them access to free practice tests. To create an account, please follow the steps found using this link. Once students have a College Board account, they can log into Bluebook to preview the testing interface and utilize practice tests.
If your child is looking for more information about this SAT test, it is recommended that they visit for practice tests, tips, and strategies.
Please reach out to Marc Minsker at or Katherine Wells at if you have any questions.