Prinicipal’s Message: October 1st, 2023
Greeting Jackson-Reed Community,
I hope you had a restful, re-energizing weekend. We hope some of you were able to attend the Mayor’s “Art All Night” event and expose yourself to some local art and music. A big “thank you” goes out to Mr. Minsker, Assistant Principal, for coordinating the Jackson-Reed location for Tenleytown. Some of our own Jackson-Reed NAF and Club students displayed and sold their work and others sang center-stage in the Rose Garden (with Mr. Minsker on bass guitar). Our Tiger pride was on full display throughout the evening, and we’re excited about the possibility of participating in the annual event for years to come.
Our NAF Academies were busy last week. On Tuesday night, our hard-working NAF Directors, Ms. McClure, Mr. Wims, and Ms. Lorenzo, coordinated and supported an information session for Jackson-Reed students and families interested in knowing more about NAF Academies. The highlight of the evening was the panel discussion led by our NAF student leadership, where they got into the details of the sequence of coursework for each Academy and shared anecdotes from internships and networking opportunities. The discussion was followed by a highly anticipated ice cream social, where each Academy showed off project artifacts in an expo-like setting in the Atrium. Our NAF Academy students embodied poise, leadership, and confidence throughout the event, impressing all who attended. Amazing work!
October is Bullying Prevention Month, and at Jackson-Reed, we are committed to fostering a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment for students. With the help of some of our Climate & Culture team members, we will bring attention to the issue with themed activities throughout the month. These activities will help raise awareness, promote kindness, and work towards ensuring that every student feels respected and valued in their educational journey. If you have additional questions about preventing bullying, please get in touch with Mr. Seraile, Director of Culture and Climate (, so he can direct you to other resources or the appropriate team member.
October is also College Awareness Month. There are several college-focused events going on throughout the school this month. Jackson-Reed regularly holds “College Admissions Rep Visits” in our College and Career Center throughout the week, intended for Juniors and Seniors. But this month, all students will have additional opportunities to explore college options with the following events. If you are interested in learning more or have questions about the college process, I encourage you to attend the events below and check out the Jackson-Reed College & Career page by clicking here. We hope this month equips Jackson-Reed students and families with the necessary information to be successful on the college pathway.
October College Awareness Month Events
- Thursday, 10/5
- HBCU College Fair, 8:00-12:30 pm in the Aux Gym
- Wednesday, 10/11
- PSAT for 10th & 11th Grade
- SAT for 12th Grade
- 9th Grade College Tour Field Trip
- Thursday, 10/12
- 9th Grade PSAT
- College Info for Spanish Speaking Families, 5:00-6:00 pm in College & Career Center
- College Fair, 6:00-8:00 pm in the Atrium
- Tuesday, 10/17
- PTSO Community Meeting: College Admissions, 6:00-7:00 pm in Auditorium
- Thursday, 10/26
- SAT Makeups
Sah Brown