Principal’s Update for March 5, 2023

Greetings Jackson-Reed Community,

I hope everyone enjoyed their first week back after February Break. It was an eventful and very productive week at Jackson-Reed.

On Tuesday, we showcased our Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs as we hosted Dr. Ferebee, Chancellor of DC Public Schools, Dr. Grant, State Superintendent of Education, and leaders in the area of CTE. Our guests listened to a student panel and visited classrooms to see what CTE looks like here at Jackson-Reed. Our students, teachers, and staff did an incredible job sharing their experiences and the benefits of being part of a CTE pathway. Please join me in thanking Regina McClure and Brandon Wims, NAF Academy Directors, for organizing this program. You can learn more about this event by reading this article.

On Wednesday, I submitted the FY24 Proposed Budget. The proposed budget reflects the priorities shared during our engagement sessions, and I will present it to our faculty and staff during our monthly meeting tomorrow. I plan to present the budget to the broader school community during the March Principal’s Coffee.

Finally, our PTSO sponsored a community meeting focused on facilities and security last Thursday. During this meeting, attendees had a chance to hear DCPS officials in emergency response planning and protection along with MPD on the tremendous progress made to keep Jackson-Reed safe. For example, through collaboration and partnership with DCPS and the Department of General Services, we have gone from seventeen exterior doors needing repair to four exterior doors needing repair, and fifty-two security cameras being non-functional to one security camera being non-functional.

While there is still work to do, I’m pleased we are moving in the right direction.

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