New Website for Jackson-Reed

Over the past year, a group of students has been working with the school to create a new website for Jackson-Reed.  Today we are launching the first step which is to  recreate a cleaner and easier to use version of the current website using WordPress, a widely used Content Management System(CMS).

Goals include:

  • To re-imagine the purpose of the school’s website.  It will continue to be a repository of information for staff, parents and students.  But, it can also be a method for students to gain valuable experience and skills in the technical, marketing, content creation and visual design areas of website development.
  • Create a student website club at Jackson-Reed to create, update and manage the website. This will teach students the basics of designing, creating and maintaining a website. And much more – social media, marketing, advertising, content, visual design.
  • Include administration, staff, teachers, parents, alumni and community in the project as we progress.

After this initial launch our next steps will include:

  • Providing guidance and training to the staff and students so they can use and update the website.
  • Outline future goals in terms of functionality and design.
  • Create a plan for this school year to implement those goals and then do so.

If you have any input, feel free to share your thoughts with us. Or if you encounter any problems or have questions.

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