*New* Paper Transcript Request Form and Term 1 Grades Request Form
Paper Transcript Request Form. To help students and counselors feel more certain in the transcript request process, we have added a paper transcript request form. Moving forward, all students must fill out the paper form and also enter their request into Naviance. The form is available HERE on the Wilson website, and there will be printed copies in the College and Career Center (108A) and counselors’ offices. NOTE: We do not have access to student printers for you to print out forms. Please either print out a completed form at home or use an already printed copy available at school.
Availability of Transcript Request Feature in Naviance. In conjunction with the addition of the paper transcript request form, the transcript request feature in Naviance will not be available during Thanksgiving Break and Winter Break. If you have January and/or early February college application deadlines, please plan ahead so you can request your transcripts on days when school is in session.
Term 1 Grades Request Form. Term 1 grades are expected to be published Thursday, November 18. Some students who have already applied to colleges have received requests to send Term 1 grades. Not all colleges will accept Term 1 grades; please check the college admissions website or application portal. The form is available HERE on the Wilson website. Due to the way that Naviance and Common App are configured, this request cannot be sent through these data systems so you will instruct your counselor on how to proceed. Also available on the same page is a sample of what the Term 1 report card will look like – it is abbreviated from the full four-page DCPS report card. NOTE: We do not have access to student printers for you to print out forms. Please either print out a completed form at home or use an already printed copy available at school.