Looking for AP Proctors
Thank you very much to those of you who have completed the interest form to be an AP exam proctor!
Jackson-Reed High School is looking for AP exam proctors to help with our May 2023 AP exam administration. Hundreds of our students take the AP exams each year, and the exam administration requires many volunteers. The vast majority of students will take their AP exams at Jackson-Reed during the first two weeks of May. Proctors will be tasked with handing out materials and monitoring the exam rooms. For students, AP exams start at 8:00 am and 12 noon; proctor shifts add in time before and after for set-up and completion tasks. See the interest form for more specifics about the time commitment.
If you are interested in being a proctor or know anyone who is interested (including your college students), please fill out this interest form: https://forms.office.com/r/5t0Duw5Yiy And please pass it along!
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide. We rely on our parents and community members to make our AP exam administration run smoothly. If you have any questions about AP exam proctoring, please contact Jackson-Reed’s AP Coordinator Elizabeth Levenson, elizabeth.levenson@k12.dc.gov.