SY 24-25 Leadership Positions

Welcome! Applications are due on May 3rd and positions will be announced on the 20th of May! We encourage everyone to apply for a position, it's a great way to get involved, boost your resume, fulfill an academy honors requirement, and gain new skills!


Please put your best effort into your application, and be specific about your hopes and goals for the position, why you want it, and why you will be the best fit! All applications will be reviewed by Ms. Lorenzo, academy teachers, and current academy officers.

Athletic Achievement Positions

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Social Media Manager
  • Concessions Manager
  • Middle School Recuritment
  • Underclassmen Recruitment
  • Work Based Learning Coordinator
  • Data Manager

Officer Positions:


  • Grades: Current Sophomores or Juniors
  • Manage all sub-committees: Recruitment, social media, Career Fair, and Concessions (and meets weekly), overseeing their current projects and gathering information about what they are currently working on. They will then relay this information to Ms. Lorenzo
  • Attends monthly Academy board meetings to relay information to the other academies.  
  • Represents the academy at any meetings with NAF, School, District officials 
  • Attend monthly student leadership academy council meetings 
  • Make themselves known to the academy, present in classes 
  • Help lead Academy Townhalls 
  • Support with this summer’s Summer Bridge week 
  • Meet weekly with Ms. Lorenzo to develop meeting agendas 

Vice President

  • Grades: Current sophomore or junior
  • Assists the President and can help meet weekly with specific committees (retentions, WBL) 
  • Checks in with academy teachers regularly to check in on mentoring program 
  • Attends monthly academy board meetings to relay information to the other academies.  
  • Attend monthly student leadership academy council meetings 
  • Represents the academy at any meetings with NAF officials  
  • Support with this summer’s Summer Bridge Week 
  • Meet weekly with Ms. Lorenzo to develop meeting agendas 

Social Media:

Social Media Managers (2):

  • Weekly meetings with Academy President 
  • Pulls upcoming information/events from weekly newsletter, Reminds 
  • Post before an event/initiative comes up 
  • Post footage after an event 
  • At least two posts a week 
  • Arrange/assign students participating in the event to take footage and send 
  • Monthly audience engagement polls/initiatives (ex. student shout outs, internship placements, college decisions) 
  •  Attend positions meetings to be aware of events happening and how they want to promote them; Clubs 

Concessions Positions:

Concessions Manager:

  • Organizes with Ms. Lorenzo the members who will be working concessions
  • Keep inventory on all products
  • Attend all football and basketball games
  • Assign roles and responsibilities
  • Create a sign-up list
  • Make sure all volunteers working are on time
  • Keep documentation on who works on what dates
  • Assign roles (Roles: (2 cash register workers, 1 on drinks, 1 on Nachos, 1 on hotdogs, 1 on Pizza, 2 runners)


Middle School Recruitment (2):

  • Grades: Current 9-11
  • Organizes a diverse committee of peers to help with Deal Middle School and Oyster Recruitment Events 
  • Develops and preps what activity will be conducted at the table during these fairs 
  • Help speak at High School Open House nights  
  • Meets bi-weekly with Academy President 
  • Develop other creative ways to connect with 8th graders (ex. Clubs, science class push-ins) 
  • Towards the second semester connects with current 9th graders to understand how to better recruit middle school students

Underclassmen (9th grade) Recruitment (2):

  • Grades: Current 9-11
  • Support with Summer Bridge Week 
  • Organizes a diverse committee of peers to help with the 1st semester and then 2nd semester 9th grade advisory recruitment initiatives 
  • Recruits students to help with Back to School Night, NAF Night, and other recruitment events 
  • Attend most event that the liaisons organize, fielding questions that students may have 
  • Meet weekly with Academy President 

Work Based Learning Managers (3):

  • Works with Ms. Lorenzo and Vice President to complete the coordinate plans. 
  • Team needs to plan at least 4 fieldtrips during the year 
  • Join planning meetings with Ms. Lorenzo and potential new partners 
  • Recruit guest speakers that align with curriculum 
  • Partner with teachers to brainstorm guest speakers aligned to the curriculum 
  • Meet guest speakers and guide them to their presenting room/help them get set up. 
  • Meet weekly with Vice President 

Data Mangers (2):

  • Meet with Ms. Lorenzo on a weekly basis to update and enter WBL events in NAFtrack
  • Build Naviance communication lists  
  • Support with compiling student IDs of students who attend fieldtrips to get students excused 

Global Studies Positions

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Social Media Manager
  • Middle School Recruitment
  • Underclassmen Recruitment
  • Work Based Learning Manager
  • Data Manager

Officer Positions:


  • Grades: Current Sophomores or Juniors
  • Manage all sub-committees: Recruitment, social media, Career Fair, and Concessions (and meets weekly), overseeing their current projects and gathering information about what they are currently working on. They will then relay this information to Ms. Lorenzo
  • Attends monthly Academy board meetings to relay information to the other academies.  
  • Represents the academy at any meetings with NAF, School, District officials 
  • Attend monthly student leadership academy council meetings 
  • Make themselves known to the academy, present in classes 
  • Help lead Academy Townhalls 
  • Support with this summer’s Summer Bridge week 
  • Meet weekly with Ms. Lorenzo to develop meeting agendas 

Vice President

  • Grades: Current sophomore or junior
  • Assists the President and can help meet weekly with specific committees (retentions, WBL) 
  • Checks in with academy teachers regularly to check in on mentoring program 
  • Attends monthly academy board meetings to relay information to the other academies.  
  • Attend monthly student leadership academy council meetings 
  • Represents the academy at any meetings with NAF officials  
  • Support with this summer’s Summer Bridge Week 
  • Meet weekly with Ms. Lorenzo to develop meeting agendas 

Social Media:

Social Media Managers (2):

  • Weekly meetings with Academy President 
  • Pulls upcoming information/events from weekly newsletter, Reminds 
  • Post before an event/initiative comes up 
  • Post footage after an event 
  • At least two posts a week 
  • Arrange/assign students participating in the event to take footage and send 
  • Monthly audience engagement polls/initiatives (ex. student shout outs, internship placements, college decisions) 
  •  Attend positions meetings to be aware of events happening and how they want to promote them; Clubs 


Middle School Recruitment (2):

  • Grades: Current 9-11
  • Organizes a diverse committee of peers to help with Deal Middle School and Oyster Recruitment Events 
  • Develops and preps what activity will be conducted at the table during these fairs 
  • Help speak at High School Open House nights  
  • Meets bi-weekly with Academy President 
  • Develop other creative ways to connect with 8th graders (ex. Clubs, science class push-ins) 
  • Towards the second semester connects with current 9th graders to understand how to better recruit middle school students

Underclassmen (9th grade) Recruitment (2):

  • Grades: Current 9-11
  • Support with Summer Bridge Week 
  • Organizes a diverse committee of peers to help with the 1st semester and then 2nd semester 9th grade advisory recruitment initiatives 
  • Recruits students to help with Back to School Night, NAF Night, and other recruitment events 
  • Attend most event that the liaisons organize, fielding questions that students may have 
  • Meet weekly with Academy President 

Work Based Learning Managers (3):

  • Works with Ms. Lorenzo and Vice President to complete the coordinate plans. 
  • Team needs to plan at least 4 fieldtrips during the year 
  • Join planning meetings with Ms. Lorenzo and potential new partners 
  • Recruit guest speakers that align with curriculum 
  • Partner with teachers to brainstorm guest speakers aligned to the curriculum 
  • Meet guest speakers and guide them to their presenting room/help them get set up. 
  • Meet weekly with Vice President 

Data Mangers (2):

  • Meet with Ms. Lorenzo on a weekly basis to update and enter WBL events in NAFtrack
  • Build Naviance communication lists  
  • Support with compiling student IDs of students who attend fieldtrips to get students excused 

Cybersecurity Positions

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Social Media Manager
  • Middle School Recruitment
  • Underclassmen Recruitment
  • Work Based Learning Manager
  • Data Manager

Officer Positions:


  • Grades: Current Sophomores or Juniors
  • Manage all sub-committees: Recruitment, social media, Career Fair, and Concessions (and meets weekly), overseeing their current projects and gathering information about what they are currently working on. They will then relay this information to Ms. Lorenzo
  • Attends monthly Academy board meetings to relay information to the other academies.  
  • Represents the academy at any meetings with NAF, School, District officials 
  • Attend monthly student leadership academy council meetings 
  • Make themselves known to the academy, present in classes 
  • Help lead Academy Townhalls 
  • Support with this summer’s Summer Bridge week 
  • Meet weekly with Ms. Lorenzo to develop meeting agendas 

Vice President

  • Grades: Current sophomore or junior
  • Assists the President and can help meet weekly with specific committees (retentions, WBL) 
  • Checks in with academy teachers regularly to check in on mentoring program 
  • Attends monthly academy board meetings to relay information to the other academies.  
  • Attend monthly student leadership academy council meetings 
  • Represents the academy at any meetings with NAF officials  
  • Support with this summer’s Summer Bridge Week 
  • Meet weekly with Ms. Lorenzo to develop meeting agendas 

Social Media:

Social Media Managers (2):

  • Weekly meetings with Academy President 
  • Pulls upcoming information/events from weekly newsletter, Reminds 
  • Post before an event/initiative comes up 
  • Post footage after an event 
  • At least two posts a week 
  • Arrange/assign students participating in the event to take footage and send 
  • Monthly audience engagement polls/initiatives (ex. student shout outs, internship placements, college decisions) 
  •  Attend positions meetings to be aware of events happening and how they want to promote them; Clubs 


Middle School Recruitment (2):

  • Grades: Current 9-11
  • Organizes a diverse committee of peers to help with Deal Middle School and Oyster Recruitment Events 
  • Develops and preps what activity will be conducted at the table during these fairs 
  • Help speak at High School Open House nights  
  • Meets bi-weekly with Academy President 
  • Develop other creative ways to connect with 8th graders (ex. Clubs, science class push-ins) 
  • Towards the second semester connects with current 9th graders to understand how to better recruit middle school students

Underclassmen (9th grade) Recruitment (2):

  • Grades: Current 9-11
  • Support with Summer Bridge Week 
  • Organizes a diverse committee of peers to help with the 1st semester and then 2nd semester 9th grade advisory recruitment initiatives 
  • Recruits students to help with Back to School Night, NAF Night, and other recruitment events 
  • Attend most event that the liaisons organize, fielding questions that students may have 
  • Meet weekly with Academy President 

Event Coordinators/Work Based Learning Managers (3):

  • Works with Ms. Lorenzo and Vice President to complete the coordinate plans. 
  • Team needs to plan at least 4 fieldtrips during the year 
  • Join planning meetings with Ms. Lorenzo and potential new partners 
  • Recruit guest speakers that align with curriculum 
  • Partner with teachers to brainstorm guest speakers aligned to the curriculum 
  • Meet guest speakers and guide them to their presenting room/help them get set up. 
  • Meet weekly with Vice President 
  • Attend all weekly meetings work with President and communications manager to get information out 
  • Organizes all academy-sponsored events (NAF/CTE Welcome Event, Prom, Middle School Night, and Family night, etc.)  
  • Connects with Ms. Lorenzo to choose the dates to schedule events. Keeps a detailed record on the students who help with events  
  • Creates a sign up genius and google form to collect donors information (collaboration with promoter). 

Data Mangers (2):

  • Meet with Ms. Lorenzo on a weekly basis to update and enter WBL events in NAFtrack
  • Build Naviance communication lists  
  • Support with compiling student IDs of students who attend fieldtrips to get students excused