Free And Reduce Priced Meals (FARM)

Students at Jackson-Reed High School could qualify for free/reduce lunch through an online application found here.

Please complete a FARM application for the 2023-24 School Year if any of your children attend one of the schools listed, even if you decline the service. If all of your children attend CEP schools then they are automatically eligible for FARM benefits and you do not need to complete a FARM application. A list of CEP schools can be found here.  DCPS schools that require a FARM application if your students are not directly certified.

FARM applications for school year 2022-2023 expired on June 30th, 2023, and a new application is needed for school year 2023-2024.

Benefits of FARM Status

  • Free lunch at your student's DCPS school
  • Waiver of college test fees
  • Waiver of college application fees
  • Reduced price internet services

The application can be filled out in person and handed over to Lizbeth Garcia in the College and Career Center.  You can download an English or Spanish version.

For any questions or concerns please reach out to or


Los estudiantes de Jackson-Reed High School podrían calificar para el almuerzo gratis/reducido a través de una aplicación en línea que se encuentra.

Las solicitudes de almuerzo gratis/reducido para el año escolar 2022-2023 expiraron el 30 de junio, 2023, y se necesita una nueva solicitud para el año escolar 2023-2024.

Beneficios de LA GRANJA Estatus

  • Almuerzo gratis en la escuela de DCPS de su estudiante
  • Exención de cuotas de exámenes universitarios
  • Exención de cuotas de solicitud universitaria
  • Servicios de Internet de precio reducido

La Solicitud puede ser llenada en persona y entregada a Lizbeth García en el College and Career Center.

Para cualquier pregunta o inquietud por favor comuníquese a o