Principal's Message

Greetings Jackson-Reed Community,


I hope this message finds everyone doing well after the storm and you are looking forward to the week ahead.  I appreciate you taking the time to read our weekly eNewsletter, as it’s one way we engage families and members of our school community.  Listening to the perspectives of others is another way we engage.

Last week, I had an opportunity to meet with our Local School Advisory Team (LSAT) and School Chapter Advisory Committee (SCAC) around various topics, such as hiring, class sizes, and facilities.  I gave updates, and participants suggested how we can continue to improve.  We’ve made significant progress in all three of these areas compared to last year with only four open vacancies - none of which are teachers; only 20 classes above our historic class size cap of 35 – compared to 82 classes above 35 last year; and repairs being completed throughout the building such as the restrooms and atrium roof.  This progress is significant, and our advisory groups provided recommendations for improvement, such as establishing a larger scheduling committee that begins earlier in the year and escalating work orders.

Last week, we also conducted our Noche Para Familias, which was a huge success.  We had over forty families attend, where they received information on our curriculum, school policies, and a PTSO-provided meal.  I want to thank individuals in various roles across our school for making the event possible, especially those within our ELL and World Language departments.

This week, our 2nd Annual NAF Academy Night is on Tuesday, September 26th, at 5:45 pm!  Academies are a large part of our school identity and help our students in many ways.  We intend to grow our academies due to their positive outcomes for our students.  Tuesday night is a chance for you to join us as we celebrate the work of our students and learn more about CTE programming from our NAF Directors.  Hope to see you there!


Tigers R.O.A.R.,

Sah Brown


Click Below: Events this Week

Virtual Presentation for Class of 2024: College Application Information

On Wednesday, September 27th from 6:00-7:00 pm there there will be an overview of the college application process, including both general information and information specific to Jackson-Reed HS. On the agenda: how school documents are submitted to colleges; financial aid; and time for your questions. Teams links will be emailed to Class of 2024 students and families.

Highlights from Last Week's Events


Events this Week

  • Tuesday, 9/26-Friday, 9/29- Senior Portraits at the Auditorium Stage
  • Tuesday, 9/26: NAF Academy Night, 5:45-7:30 pm in Auditorium & Atrium
  • Wednesday, 9/27: Rescheduled Mandatory Fire Drill for @ 10:00 am
  • Wednesday, 9/27: Virtual Presentation on College Application Process, 6:00-7:00 pm (Ms. Levenson)
  • Fridays 9/29: Hispanic Heritage Celebration in Atrium, 11:55 am-12:40 pm
  • Saturday, 9/30: Play-In-A-Day Performance, 8:00 am- 10:30 pm in Blackbox
  • Saturday, 9/30: Tenleytown Art all Night, 7:00- 11:00 pm in Main Gym/Aux Gym/Rose Garden

Athletic Events

  • Tuesday, 9/26: Field Hockey (AWAY) vs. Bullis @4:15 pm
  • Tuesday, 9/26: Girls Varsity Soccer (AWAY) vs. Stone Ridge @4:15 pm
  • Tuesday, 9/26: Girls JV Soccer (AWAY) vs. Stone Ridge @5:30 pm
  • Tuesday, 9/26: Volleyball (HOME) vs. Dunbar @6:15 pm
  • Wednesday, 9/27: Cross Country (AWAY @A.F.R.H) vs. Jenkins International
  • Wednesday, 9/27: Girls Varsity Soccer (HOME) vs. McKinley Tech @4:00 pm
  • Thursday, 9/28: Field Hockey (HOME) vs. Brookwood @4:00 pm
  • Thursday, 9/28: JV Football (AWAY) vs. HD Woodson @6:00 pm
  • Thursday, 9/28: Volleyball (AWAY) vs. Eastern @6:15 pm
  • Friday, 9/29: Girls JV Soccer (HOME) vs. Latin PCS @4:00 pm
  • Friday, 9/29: Varsity Football (HOME) vs. Ballou @6:00 pm

Upcoming Events


  • Monday, 10/2- Thursday, 10/5: Picture Days w/ Lifetouch in Auditorium
  • Thursday, 10/5: HBCU College Fair in Aux Gym
  • Fridays, 10/6 & 10/13: Hispanic Heritage Celebration in Atrium, 11:55 am-12:40 pm
  • Saturday, 10/7: SAT Day in various classrooms
  • Thursday, 10/12: College Info Session for Hispanic and Latinx Families, 5:00-6:00pm
  • Thursday, 10/12: College Fair, 6:00 pm-8:00 pm

Jackson-Reed PTSO News

Jeff Selingo: Guest Speaker at PTSO's "Making Sense of the College Admissions Landscape" on 10/17 at 7:00 pm in J-R ATRIUM
Jeff Selingo: Guest Speaker at PTSO's "Making Sense of the College Admissions Landscape" on 10/17 at 7:00 pm in J-R ATRIUM

PTSO Community Event: Making Sense of the College Admissions Landscape

PTSO is thrilled to present a community event, Making Sense of the College Admissions Landscape, featuring guest speaker Jeff Selingo, author of Who Gets In & Why: A Year Inside College Admissions. Thanks to your generous donations, PTSO is able to offer this event free and open to all Jackson-Reed families. We hope to see you there Tuesday, October 17 at 7:00 pm in the auditorium.

Messages from the Mary's Center

Virtual Car Seat Program

Mary's Center's Virtual Car Seat program offers free car seats for DC residents. Please see the flyers below for more information.

Immigration Support

Looking for consultation in regard to immigration? Mary's Center can help! Please find information regarding these free services within the flyers below.

Host an Italian Exchange Student and Visit Italy in Spring 2024

Italian Exchange Meeting is now on October 5th at 7:00 pm in Room 208

Jackson-Reed’s International Studies Program has a long tradition of exchanging one-week visits with Liceo Cambi, a public high school in Falconara, a beachfront town on Italy’s east coast. Sign up now for our spring 2024 exchange! If families are interested, please plan to attend an evening meeting on October 5th, at 7:00 pm in room 208 (date change due to illness). Please bring your questions to the meeting. Click here for more information.

Additional Updates By Area

Click on the headings below to see more information about each area. Please see "UPDATED" or "NEW" areas accordingly.