Principal's Message
Greetings Jackson-Reed Community,
I want to start by wishing all our mothers and mother figures a happy and enjoyable Mother’s Day. Thank you for all you do to help our students grow and for being their very first teacher!
Last week was another enjoyable and productive week at Jackson-Reed. We celebrated our Teachers for Teacher Appreciation Week, and our students participated in the DC CAPE and AP exams. Thank you to the PTSO for sponsoring and supporting last week’s activities. The extra encouragement boosted energy and excitement for staff and students alike.
I also want to thank those who joined the open PTSO meeting last week, where a vote was held for next year’s officers. I’m very thankful and appreciative of all our PTSO officers under the leadership of our current PTSO President, Heather Powers. I ask that you join me in welcoming next year’s officers under our new PTSO President, Shanza Qureshi. For more information on the PTSO and how to donate and get involved, please visit the PTSO page on our website.
I want to close with a few additional reminders.
- Re-Enrollment – If you haven’t done so, please visit our website so you can join us next year!
- DC CAPE and AP Exams – We are back on our regular bell schedule. AP exams are still being administered, and DC CAPE make-up exams will be in the library.
- Scheduling—Counselors are reviewing all student course requests this week. During the week of May 20—May 24, students can request changes to the initial course selections. Additional information on this process will be provided in next week’s eNews.
Let’s make it a positive and productive week!
Tigers R.O.A.R.,
Sah Brown
Events this Week
Mon May 13
- 7:30am - 3:30pm, AP Exams
- 9:00 am- 11:50 am, DC CAPE Testing
Tue May 14
- 7:30am - 3:30pm, AP Exams
- 11:50am - 12:35pm, NAF Monthly Academy Listening Session
- 7:00pm - 8:30pm, Ward 3 Education Network
Wed May 15
- 7:30am - 3:30pm, AP Exams
- 8:30am - 3:30pm, DC CAPE Make-up Testing
- 11:45am - 12:40pm, Signing Day
- 7:30pm - 10:00pm, Spring Musical Cabaret
Thu May 16
- 7:30am - 3:30pm, AP Exams
- 8:30am - 3:30pm, DC CAPE Make-up Testing
- 7:30pm - 8:30pm, Spring Musical-"Cabaret"
Fri May 17
- All day, A-Day
- 8:00am - 5:00pm, AP Exams
- 8:30am - 3:30pm, DC CAPE Make-up Testing
- 4:00pm - 9:00pm, JROTC Annual Award Banquet
- 7:30pm - 8:30pm, Spring Musical-"Cabaret"
Sat May 18
- 2:30pm - 3:30pm, Spring Musical-"Cabaret"

Upcoming Events
Mon May 20
- DC CAPE Make-Up Testing
Tue May 21
- DC CAPE Make-Up Testing
- 6:00pm - 7:30pm, LSAT Meeting
- 7:30am - 3:30pm, AP Exams Late-Testing Administration
- 11:00am - 12:00pm, Senior Town Hall
Thu May 23
- 7:30am - 3:30pm, AP Exams Late-Testing Administration
- 8:10am - 8:50am, Climate & Culture Meeting
- 3:30pm - 7:00pm, Airforce Office of Scientific Research Internship Final Presentations
- 7:30pm - 8:30pm, Spring Musical-"Cabaret"
Fri May 24
- All day, B-Day
- 7:30am - 3:30pm, AP Exams Late-Testing Administration
- 7:30pm - 8:30pm, Spring Musical-"Cabaret"
Sat May 25
- 7:30pm - 8:30pm, Spring Musical-"Cabaret"
Pictured above ...
Jackson-Reed Art Winners!
Two Jackson-Reed art students placed 2nd and 3rd for Washington DC in the Congressional Art Competition! This is an annual competition for high school students from each state where students submit entries to their representative’s office, and panels of artists select the winning entries.
AND Teacher Appreciation Activities, DC CAPE Bubble Ball Activity, and the J-R Wellness Team hosting their Mental Health Awareness Table in the Atrium!
Athletics this Week

Tigers on the Move
Jackson-Reed Theater Presents Cabaret
- May 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25
- House opens at 6:30pm, show starts at 7:30pm
- Saturday May 18th Matinee at 2:30pm
- Location: Blackbox Theater (Chesapeake St. Doors)
Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome! In here, Life is Beautiful!
Step into the dazzling and decadent Kit Kat Club - a risque destination filled with music, dancing, and colorful characters. Set in 1930s Berlin, Cabaret tells the story of a young author searching for inspiration but discovers himself entrenched in one the darkest moments in history. Tickets available online the week of April 22!
- Students: $10
- Adults: $20
- Faculty & Staff: Free
** On-Stage Seating Raffle: Each night we will be raffling off a select number of seats on stage, in The Kit-Kat Club, for people who want to be close to—even part of—the action. Raffle chances will be sold each night at the door.

Testing Information
DC CAPE Makeup Testing
- Students who missed any of their ELA (English I or II) test sections should report to the library.
- Students with Extended Time (due to IEP, 504, or English learner status) should report at 9:15am and students who do not have extended time should report at 12:50pm.
- Students who missed any of their Math (Algebra I, Geometry, or Algebra II) test sections should report to the library.
- Students with Extended Time (due to IEP, 504, or English learner status) should report at 9:15am and students who do not have extended time should report at 12:50pm.
- Students who missed any of their Science (Biology) test sections should report to the library.
- Students with Extended Time (due to IEP, 504, or English learner status) should report at 9:15am and students who do not have extended time should report at 12:50pm.
- Students who still need to make up sections of any subject should report to the library.
- Students with Extended Time (due to IEP, 504, or English learner status) should report at 9:15am and students who do not have extended time can report at either 9:15am or 12:50pm.
- Students who still need to make up sections of any subject should report to the auditorium.
- Students with Extended Time (due to IEP, 504, or English learner status) should report at 9:15am and students who do not have extended time can report at either 9:15am or 12:50pm.

Additional 2024 AP Exam Information
If you miss an AP exam during regular-testing because you are sick, you must fill out the late-testing request form in the College and Career Center to have a late-testing exam ordered for you.
Students taking AP exams needing calculators should bring their own calculator. See the list of exams on the College Board website here.
Students approved for extended time should check the AP exam schedule. Because of your exam length you will only be able to take one exam per day. If you need to move an exam to the late-testing date, see Ms. Levenson in the College and Career Center to fill out the late-testing request form.
If a student with accommodations wants to waive any of their accommodations, the parent/guardian must provide the request to waive in writing by emailing AP Coordinator Elizabeth Levenson,
Attention J-R Families
Mary's Center Newsletter: MAY
⛳JRHS Golf Club Fundraiser ⛳
- When: Sunday May 19, 6-8PM
- Where: Top Golf 20101 Century Blvd, Germantown, MD 20874

Calling all parents of the Class of 2024: celebrate your graduate with a shout-out in our last issue of The Beacon, Jackson-Reed's student-run newspaper! These ads are our main source of revenue and a great way to honor your graduating seniors. Papers will be passed out on the last day of school and at graduation.All you have to do is fill out a form with the message and photo(s) by May 18th, and we will put the ad together for you! Payments can be made through PayPal, cash, or check. Here's the survey link:
Asian American LEAD Summer Program

Asian American LEAD is a non-profit that provides after school programming, mentoring programs, and summer programs--all for free--in the DMV. We strive to empower Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) youth in underserved communities through culturally responsive programming and advocacy. They are currently accepting enrollments for our free 5-week long Summer Program and would love to have more JRHS youth participate.
Here is the registration link: Link Here
Generative AI and Social Science Summer Program by Stanford Alumni

Inspirit AI is a 25-hour project-based AI program taught by Stanford graduates that introduces middle and high school students to fundamental AI concepts to build interdisciplinary AI projects across domains. In 2024, the team is excited to announce new projects such as Generating Language Safely with ChatGPT. No CS experience is necessary to apply and priority applications are due soon.
Additional Information
Click on the headings below to see more information about each area. Please see "UPDATED" or "NEW" areas accordingly.