Upcoming Events
Feb. 18: CityWorks DC Apprenticeship lunch n; learn for IT (juniors) and Biomed Juniors and seniors Feb. 21: Dress for Success and LinkedIn Workshop Feb. 21: RTX internship application due Feb. 24: STEM Seniors and Student Leader Ice Skating trip confirmed!! Feb. 28: College Park Airport Engineering Fieldtrip for aerospace students (will open up to…
Read MoreAI Frontier Club
Come join our newest STEM club that meets on Tuesday in room 328. The topic this week? Learn all about ChatGPT and how it really works! Únase a nuestro nuevo club STEM que se reúne los martes en la sala 328. ¿El tema de esta semana? Aprenda todo sobre ChatGPT y cómo funciona realmente!
Read MoreCalling all J-R Parent Professionals for support with our Feb. 21 LinkedIn Workshop
We are planning a LinkedIn workshop for our CRI juniors this upcoming Friday, February 21st from 12:45-3:30. Please check out this link to review the Run of Show and sign up if you are interested. On the afternoon of the 19th we’ll have a virtual PREP call to review the plan and make sure everyone is…
Read MoreParents, chaperone volunteers needed for our February 24th STEM Ice Skating Fieldtrip!.
We need a total of 15 chaperones for this STEM celebration of our seniors and student leaders. I don’t want to pull 15 adults from the building, so would love to have some adult volunteers to support (you don’t have to be a parent of a senior to attend). Please review all the information/itinerary and…
Read MoreAttention to all IT Academy Student currently taking Computer Science Principles
As we look ahead to next school year, you have options for your third-level course in the IT Academy pathway. Please review the link to see your options and make your choice so we can plan ahead for sections for next year. Please come see Ms. McClure if you need more information about the course…
Read MoreGenesysWorks Internship Opportunity for Current IT and Engineering Juniors
Below is a personal invitation to apply to Genesys Works and get the application sent to them; the generic application link, if students want to spend 15 minutes to complete the application right away; and the link to attend one of our general virtual info sessions below. If students couldn’t attend our recruitment session, attending…
Read MoreOn Ramps to Careers Internship
This is a great summer internship opportunity for STEM juniors and seniors in IT and Engineering–especially for students who didn’t complete CRI or are seniors who aged out of CRI. Readall about the opportunity here: Please note that in order for you to get paid for this opportunity, you’ll have to complete the Summer Youth…
Read MoreVerizon and RTX Internship Oppurtunities
NAF is thrilled to announce exciting summer internship opportunities with our national partners for 2025! These positions are highly competitive, with limited slots available exclusively for NAF students. Eligible students from Jackson-Reed High School AOE & AOIT are invited to participate in this year’s recruitment and application process. Below, you’ll find detailed information about the internship…
Read MoreSpy Museum Summer Internship Opportunity (Paid in Volunteer Hours)
The International Spy Museum is recruiting new agents for our teen volunteer program this summer. We are looking for responsible, independent, and energetic individuals to help run our spy camp with campers ages 9-12. This is a great opportunity for teens to earn volunteer hours in a fun and meaningful way. The application is now open, and interviews are held…
Read MoreUpcoming Events
Feb. 10: 9th Grade recruitment Feb. 11: 9th grade recruitment Feb. 11: Ignite-STEM girls fieldtrip to Verizon Feb. 13 CRI REsume deadline Feb. 12-13: On Ramps to Career Internship opportunity presentation to all junior/senior IT and engineering classes Feb. 14: Verizon internship application due Feb. 21: Dress for Success and Linked In Workshop Feb. 21:…
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