AP Exam May 9 Updates
Students Who Are Absent During Regular-Testing
If you miss an AP exam during regular-testing because you are sick, you must fill out the late-testing request form in the College and Career Center to have a late-testing exam ordered for you.
Remember to bring your Calculator
Students taking AP exams needing calculators should bring their own calculator. View the list of exams on the College Board website.
Students with Accomodations
Students approved for extended time should check the AP exam schedule (see link below). Because of your exam length you will only be able to take one exam per day. If you need to move an exam to the late-testing date, see Ms. Levenson in the College and Career Center to fill out the late-testing request form.
If a student with accommodations wants to waive any of their accommodations, the parent/guardian must provide the request to waive in writing by emailing AP Coordinator Elizabeth Levenson, elizabeth.levenson@k12.dc.gov.