Full Summer – DRAFT
Math Department
AP Studio Art (2D & Drawing)
Math Department
To help ensure your readiness for your new math class next year, you have a summer assignment to complete online over the summer. The work is due the first day of class for full credit. Your completion score will count as your first major assignment grade in your new math class: complete the assignment and start the new year with an A!
The Website: DeltaMath.com
You will be using the free website DeltaMath.com. The site:
● can be used on any device with a modern web browser (including phones and tablets),
● gives instant feedback when you answer incorrectly, with detailed instructions on how to find the correct answer (Tip: read the feedback carefully!),
● will keep providing you more problems of that type until you get the required number correct,
● includes help videos for almost all topics, and
● saves your work automatically and submits it to your teacher.
Never Used DeltaMath? Create an account first. Go to http://deltamath.com and click “Students” -> “Create Account”. (We recommend not linking to your Google account since Google logins are unreliable on the school network.) Use teacher code 788870. Use an active e-mail address so that you can recover your password if necessary.
Already have an account? Log in, click the Tools menu at the top right, then click “Manage Login and Courses”. Click the “Add Teacher or Access Code” button at the bottom, and use teacher code 788870. If you forget your password, try to log in first, then use the “forgot password” link that will appear.
Then select your math course(s) FOR NEXT SCHOOL YEAR:
● Algebra 1 Honors*
● Geometry Honors*
● Algebra 2 Honors*
● Pre-Calculus Honors/AP*
● Probability & Statistics
● AP Statistics
● Principles of Calculus
● AP Calculus (AB or BC)
Assignments will go live on Monday, June 26th, and your work must be completed by 8:55am on the first day of class for 100% credit.
Late credit: Late work will receive 80% credit for up to one week after the first day of school.
Technical Support
Forgot your password? Try to log in, then click the “forgot password?” link that will appear. If it’s something more serious, try these troubleshooting tips first:
1. Log out and restart your browser before logging back in.
2. Try a different browser (Firefox, Chrome, or Safari are preferred).
3. Wait a few minutes and try again.
Still not working? Send an email to your math teacher or alex.jacoby@k12.dc.gov, but try working on other parts of the assignment in the meantime. Please include all of the following in your tech support email:
• your name,
• your DeltaMath account name,
• the title of the summer assignment and skill you’re working on, and
• a screenshot of the relevant information (http://www.take-a-screenshot.org).
1. Not sure how to start a problem? Click “Show Example” and it will walk you through a similar one. (You can click it as many times as you want for more examples.) Most assignments have video tutorials (look for “watch help video” above the problem). If not, just do a search online for the name of the topic you’re working on and you’ll find dozens of tutorials and videos to help refresh your memory.
2. Always work with a pencil and paper. There is an on-screen calculator to help too.
3. Read the directions carefully! If it asks you to round to the nearest tenth and you round to the nearest hundredth instead, you will get the problem wrong and have to try again. If a question has multiple parts, you must answer them ALL correctly in order to get credit.
4. Pay close attention to the format of your answer: points in the coordinate plane must be in parentheses like (2, 4), equations must include both sides of the equation like y = 2x + 1, and if there are multiple solutions, you must click the “+” button to make space for them.
5. Have fun and work on the assignment in small chunks every week to get the most benefit from it.
AP Studio Art (2D & Drawing)
Ms. Hasan, Room C114
Due date: Week of August 28th, 2023
Resources Required: sketchbook, camera (on your cell phone is acceptable) and art supplies as needed (pencils, watercolors, chalk, pens/markers, color pencils) The assignments will be assessed using the AP rubric.
Summer assignments help alleviate the pressure during the school year of producing the many quality pieces needed for a successful portfolio. There are 3 assignment categories:
- Drawings/Art: 5 artworks that you’ve spent at least 2 hours on
- Writing: Working out ideas for your Sustained Investigation, and
- Taking reference pictures (50).
Helpful hints:c
- Draw directly from life instead of using reference photos, whenever possible. If you must use a photo, take your own or use a photo from the public domain. Attach the photo to the back of the work.
- Use quality materials for your art. Good materials make it easier to create good work.
- Use a variety of media, even combining them for mixed media.
- Visit the AP Central website for the portfolio you are submitting often to see sample portfolios and to become familiar with requirements for studio drawing and 2D.
- Look at good art! We are extremely lucky to live in DC where there are many world-class FREE art museums. Go to the National Gallery of Art, The Renwick, The Smithsonian American Art Museum, or the Hirschhorn Museum. Take your sketchbook with you, and render the work as well as your response to it. It is a good thing to jot down your thinking process in your sketchbook as well as draw in it.
- Read about art! I recommend reading Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon or Think Like an Artist by Will Gompertz. Read art magazines, such as Art Forum, The Artist’s Magazine and International Artist. You will find these in local libraries. Check out books about famous artists in the library while you are there. Study the images in them.
- Search the Internet for artists dealing with the same subject as you. Study their work, life history, and influences.
Choose 5 of these assignments to be completed in your sketchbook or on a separate sheet of paper. You should spend at least 2+ hours on each one. Keep in mind that one or more of these could be used for your AP portfolio. See grading rubric at end.
- Cluster of Bottles and Containers: Group several different sizes and heights to bottles and containers on a shelf or counter top. Draw them as a congregation of people. Give each one of them equal amounts of attention. Convey volume by using a complete range of tonal changes from deep black to the pure white of the paper. Overlap some of them to bring depth to the composition.
- Broken Mirror/Portrait: Refer to any facial picture. Cut the face into irregular pieces and paste them back together in an overlapping manner to distort the appearance. You may also want to duplicate the picture in order to have several additional features to arrange. Use this as a reference to formulate an abstract drawing of a human face.
- Linear Perspective: Create a composition of a long vista of space. This must be based on observation and demonstrate the concept of linear perspective. Refer to long street scenes, huge fields of corn or grain, railroad tracks, or open canyons which recede into space. All of these examples allow for use of the picture as they diminish in size and intensity.
- Analogous Colors: Find a group of items which register as analogous on the color wheel. Assemble them to create a dynamic composition. Compose a design which remains balanced as the items are abstracted and overlapped to fill the entire frame.
- Conflict: Be creative and inventive. Draw a line from the lower left corner up to the upper right corner of the page. Choose opposing visual elements. Place the opposing elements on either side of the diagonal line to emphasize conflict. Examples: fire and ice, earth and air, violence and peace, good and evil, sweet and bitter.
- Liquid as Design: Taking motivation from any liquid form, create a composition which demonstrates the scientific characteristics of a liquid: flowing, dripping, puddles, pouring. Be sure to make the liquid element dominate the composition. Do not allow containers or other elements to crowd the setting.
- Fauvism: Research to find the color theories of the artists of the Fauve movement. Create a composition which emulates this color usage. Do not use a well-known image. Do not merely copy another artist’s work. Find your own setting and change the colors to fit as a Fauve artist would have done.
- Fences and gates: Practice your understanding of linear perspective. Find a real fence/gate to draw. Position yourself so that a strong exaggeration of the contour line occurs. Draw the characteristics of the fence/gate as realistically as possible. Pay attention to joint areas and attachments.
- Corner of a room: Isolate an area of the room (your personal space). Render the contents in relation to the floor and walls. Be conscious of shadows and light sources. Use a full range of values, and consider varying your line weight. Use shading skills to translate forms into three dimensions. Pay attention to balance and special movement within the area. Use cut paper, pastels, ink, markers and/or pencils.
- Modular Design:Design a simple motif in a five-tone value rendition. Repeat the motif, repositioning and zeroing in on it to different degrees. You may consider altering its coloration when you repeat it.
Go to the AP Art College Board website and familiarize yourself with the requirements for studio drawing and 2D.
Most of the year will be spent working on the Sustained Investigation portion of your portfolio. Make a list of possible topics or ideas for your “Sustained Investigation”. It is important to remember that the best art topics are those which:
- Are significant and important to your life in some way
- You know about or have first-hand experience of
- You have access to quality first-hand source material
Write 4-5 Essential Questions centered around your idea or materials you would like to create your sustained investigation about. You will be asked to turn in your questions the first week of class. Begin with things like: In what ways can……. Or How can……. express….
Each of these are either guided by Idea (content), Materials you want to use, or Process (how you’re going to make it). Questions should have 2 parts to them, on that’s a ‘constant’ and one ‘variable’, like a science hypothesis. For example: In what ways can complementary colors express conflict through flower motifs?
Take at least 50 pictures with your camera that you could use as references for your artwork. Create a Google or One Drive folder. Put all the pictures in the folder and share the link to your folder with me.
Grading Rubric for Part 1 (5 Artworks)
For Black and White Drawings or Artwork: Use of a Full Range of Value_____/20
A full range of value has been used in the artwork to create the illusion of three-dimensional space and form, there is attention to the light and shadows and shading is used to suggest a light source; the shading used on objects is relative to their value; there are subtle shifts in value across surfaces to show subtle textures and surfaces; there are highly contrasted shifts in value to show reflective or metallic surfaces; outlines are diminished or blended into the planes of the object / imagery.
For Artwork in Color: Use of Color_____/20
Use of a full range of values, tines, tones, shades, and mixtures of color as applicable to the artwork. This may include warm and cool variations color (for example, blues and purples compared to pinks and reds), use of tints/tones/shades, (for example light, medium, and dark mixtures of color and grayed color), low-intensity color (dull or shadowed) and high-intensity color (bright and vibrant) as needed for each individual artwork. Color is used to create a focal point or to accentuate a composition. Color is not too simplified.
Composition _____/20
The composition of the artwork is well balanced; the focal point is clear; the objects (or portraits) are carefully balanced within the boundaries of the paper, or placed in a dynamic way within the boundaries of the paper, or cropped in a dynamic way at the borders; it is evident that the placement of elements and the use of principles (textures, line, value, proportion, unity, movement) are thoughtfully considered while designing the composition; all areas in the composition have been resolved; any empty areas appear as part of the positive or negative space and not as unfinished.
Complexity and Detail _____/20
There are carefully resolved areas of detail and complexity throughout the artwork; the artwork demonstrates careful attention to small surface details; pencil marks or brush strokes follow the contours of the objects and/or are used to emphasized light, shadows, and forms.
Craftsmanship _____/10
Artwork is carefully crafted, and the paper or canvas is not bent or torn. If applicable, the artwork demonstrates carefully resolved details; pencils are kept sharp to enhance the areas of detail; if the background is white/light, then the negative space is free of unnecessary marks or smudges.
Creativity/Thoughtful Solution to the Assignment_____/10
Creative or inventive choices of objects and/or the placement of those objects within the format of the paper; the objective of the assignment is solved in an interesting and unique manner.