Media Center Resources
Need homework help? Try BrainFuse HelpNow
BrainFuse HelpNow is a resource designed for K-12 students and beyond. Live tutoring is available in English and Spanish from 1 p.m. - 10 p.m. EST to provide homework help for core subjects, including mathematics, science, and English language arts. Practice long division, improve reading comprehension, and learn other key skills. Students may submit papers to HelpNow’s Writing Lab for expert assistance and feedback or collaborate with peers in virtual study spaces.
For more information, please click here.
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Need help with accessing information and resources? Ask Mr. Cat/Miss Ross!
The library team can also teach students critical skills important in every content area, such as determining credible sources, searching the internet more effectively, using technology safely and responsibly, and avoiding plagiarism when creating a project, presentation, or research paper.