Work Permits for Minors

Summer hours to apply for a work permit are Mon-Fri, 9:00 am-3:30 pm at Jackson-Reed High School in the front office. No appointment is needed. We are no longer doing work permits by email.

Work permits processed by DCPS high schools are for jobs in DC. If your job is in Maryland or Virginia, you must apply for a work permit from those states.

If your job is in DC, here are the instructions and documents needed when applying for a DC work permit:

  1. The application form with Part B signed by the parent/guardian and Part C completed by the employer.
  2. Social Security card.
  3. Birth certificate or Passport.
  4. A letter of intent to hire from the employer indicating the nature of the employer's occupation, and the number of hours per day and the days per week that the minor will work.

Students ages 14-15 will also need to provide a letter of consent from their parent/guardian.