Naviance: How to Login via Clever

Naviance is a college and career platform used by DC Public Schools. Students in all grade levels can use the surveys, tools, and search features in Naviance to research colleges and explore careers. For seniors, Naviance is used to send school documents to support their college applications; these documents include your transcript, counselor letter, teacher recommendation letters, and school profile.

Logging into Naviance through

Students log into Naviance through  Parents are asked to share their student's Naviance account; please ask your student to share their Microsoft credentials with you.

Instructions to login:

  • From the homepage, scroll all the way down to the green area at the bottom, and click on "Naviance." Or google "DCPS Clever."
  • Log on using your Microsoft 365 student credentials:
    • Password that student created
  • You will now be brought to your Clever home screen, showing all of the applications you have access to.
  • Scroll down until you reach the "College & Career" section and look for the icon for Naviance, a turquoise box.
  • Click on the Naviance icon to be brought to your Naviance homepage.

Class of 2025 Seniors

From your Naviance homepage, click on the blue button that says "Select Path," and choose the pathway you will pursue after you graduate from Jackson-Reed High School.

College Lists in Naviance: Which One to Use When?

There are two College lists in Naviance: Colleges I’m Thinking About and Colleges I’m Applying To
  1. Colleges I’m Thinking About:  this list is the best section for underclassmen and rising seniors to work in prior to the start of their senior year. Students can add as many colleges to this list as they like. After the school year starts, for all of the colleges on this list, you will receive an email notification if/when that college admissions counselor is visiting Jackson-Reed.
  2. Colleges I’m Applying To: this list is to be used by seniors after the start of their senior year, when a student is very sure about the list of colleges they would like to apply to and are ready to request that transcripts be sent.

College Research Tools

College Research Tools

Use research tools in Naviance such as SuperMatch and Find Your Fit to research colleges to consider applying to. The Scattergrams feature shows application and acceptance data (student-reported) from previous classes of our school's graduates.