DC College Access Program (DC-CAP)
The DC College Access Program (DC-CAP) is a privately funded nonprofit organization dedicated to encouraging and enabling DC public high school students to enroll in and graduate from college. It provides direct counseling and financial assistance to students who might otherwise never have the opportunity to go to college. It also continues to support students for up to five years after high school graduation so that they have the best chance of completing their education. DC-CAP works in partnership with the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE), the corporate community, colleges, universities, and other college access programs. DC-CAP also runs the Alpha Leadership Project for Minority Males (9th grade). See this link for more information: https://alp.dccap.org/
Jackson-Reed's DC-CAP representative: Brittani Pollack, brittani.pollack@dccap.org
How to Apply to DC-CAP Scholarships
Here is the link to create an account and apply: https://dccap.smapply.io/
This application is for both the DC-CAP General Scholarship and the DC-CAP University Scholarship. All documents must be submitted through the application portal; they will not be accepted via email.
On the application, for “Collaborator,” provide parent name and parent email address. The parent portion is required if the student is not 18. Make sure you do not use the parent email address to create the account; you must use a different email address than the one you plan to use for the Collaborator.
- Phase 1: Deadline for Class of 2024: November 10, 2023. Application and supporting documents must be received by this date.
- Phase 2: Deadline to be announced.
- . Additional documents will be required, including letters of recommendation.
Jackson-Reed’s DC-CAP contact is Brittani Pollack, brittani.pollack@dccap.org
Summary from the DC-CAP Scholarship Virtual Info Meeting, Monday, August 15, 2022
DC-CAP General Scholarship
- Can be used at any four-year college or university.
- Award amount: $4,000/year, up to five years
- Requirements: 2.5 GPA, demonstrated financial need, enrollment in a 4-year institution
DC-CAP University Partners Scholarship
- Scholarship to attend one of DC-CAP’s 14 university partner schools (see list below).
- Award amount will depend on Student Aid Report from student’s FAFSA and the amount the partner school offers.
- Each school provides their own award package.
- Requirement: 2.7 GPA
On the application, students designate their top choices from the university partner school list, but the final partner school offered to the student will be determined by DC-CAP. Students must apply to the partner school and be accepted to receive the scholarship. Students are encouraged to apply Early Action (nonbinding).
Semifinalists are chosen after Phase 2 closes in January 2023. Up to 300 University Partner Scholarships are awarded each year; the number awarded for each school varies. After students receive their University Partner offer, they typically have about one week to decide if they would like to move forward with the scholarship.
DC-CAP University Partners
- Alabama A&M University
- The Catholic University of America
- Delaware State University
- Eastern Connecticut State University
- Florida A&M University
- George Mason University
- Kent State University
- Marshall University
- North Carolina A&T State University
- Ohio University
- State University of New York, Oswego
- St. Mary’s College of Maryland
- University of Massachusetts, Lowell
- West Chester University