College Admission Rep Visits

The College and Career Center hosts visits from college admissions representatives. Admissions reps who visited in the fall of 2022 were asked to fill out a follow-up form about their school, including the top reasons students should apply to their school; whether their school is test-optional; and the best next steps for learning about their school's programs. Their responses will be made available in August.

Schedule of college visits for the week

Admissions reps who visit are asked to fill out a follow-up form about their school, including the top reasons students should apply to their school; whether their school is test-optional; and the best next steps for learning about their school's programs. Their responses are available in this Excel file College Admissions Follow-Up Form.

How to See If/When a College Is Visiting Jackson-Reed

  • Step 1: Log into Naviance through Clever.
    Ms. Sargent, Class of 2022 counselor, shows you the steps to log into Naviance through Clever in this video: Logging on to Naviance (2 minutes, created June 2021)​​​​​​​
  • Step 2: Click on Colleges and then Colleges Home.
  • Step 3: Scroll to the very bottom of the page. On the left is a College Visits section.
  • Step 4: The next two visits will be showing, but if you click show more all the upcoming visits will be listed. Check back often as more visits will be added. If a college is on either your Colleges I am applying to list or your Colleges I am interested in list, you will be notified if they are coming for a visit.