Canvas Login Link:
All students are required to log in to Canvas every day, including Wednesday, to have their attendance recorded.
DCPS Resources about Canvas
- "Canvas 101" course for students: Student can click on this link to self-enroll: - DCPS Parent University session “Canvas 101 for Families” (50 minutes). It will take you step-by-step through the features of this online platform for learning:
- Video: “Canvas 101” (English, 3 minutes):
- Video: “Canvas 101” (Spanish, 4 minutes):
- More resources from DCPS, including links to all of the Parent University sessions:
"Canvas One Pager"
This page has Canvas login information for both teachers and students, links to instructions for downloading the Canvas app on your mobile device, and more.
DCPS Tech Support
- Call the DCPS Technology Hotline: 202.442.5885. Hours: 7 am - 5:30 pm.
- Click on this for DCPS Tech Support, including student log-in instructions, ELi Device date and time fix:
Student Guide for Canvas, Microsoft Office, and Clever
This is a guide for students about how to login to Canvas, Microsoft Office, and Clever.