Academies Under Director Regina McClure
The SciMaTech Academy is a STEM academy for students who are passionate about understanding how the technological world around them works. Our students choose pathways of specialization to focus their curiosity; these include math, engineering, biomedicine, environmental science, and computer science. We are geeks on a mission to enhance Jackson-Reed High School and to engineer the future. SciMaTech began in 1997 and now has 200 students and seven faculty advisors.
Clubs include the "Tiger Pride 2914” FIRST Robotics Team, Math Club, WilsonHacks, Science Club, Greenhouse Club, and Biomedicine Club. SciMaTech is responsible for Jackson-Reed’s pollinator greenhouse garden, Soapstone Creek management, the Annual Family Night Banquet, the FIRST Robotics annual kickoff, the Wilson National Society of Black Engineers Chapter, the Reilly Webb INOVA Blood Drive, the Green Apple Day of Service, Earth Day: Day of Action, and the Academy Capstone Presentation and Celebration.
Check out this presentation for more information about the STEM Academies.

CRI Internships
Apply and learn more about Career Ready Internships for this Summer.
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Stay Connected
- Remind: text 81010 this message: @jrnaf for engineering; @jrnafb for health sciences (biomed); @jritaca for IT. Parents—you are encouraged to join as well!
- Email Regina McClure, our STEM Academy Director
Latest Updates
Upcoming Events
Feb 19
George Washington University
Feb 21
Dress for Success and Linkedin Workshop
Feb 25
Georgetown University
Feb 26
Please check out the STEM-related clubs and when/where they meet!
- Ace Architecture Club: Thursdays, 8:00am-9:00am, Rm. 323
- Biomed Club:Lunch, Tuesdays, Room 428
- Coding Club: Thursdays, 3:30-5:00pm, Room 403
- Computer Science Honors Society
- Electric Vehicle: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 3:30-5:30pm, Room B101
- Enable: Lunch, Thurdays in Room 328.
- Girls Who Code: Tuesdays, Lunch, Room 323
- HOSA-Future Health Professionals: Lunch, bi-weekly Thursdays, Room 428
- National Society of Black Engineering:Wednesdays, Lunch, Room 328
- Robotics:Tuesdays & Fridays, 3:30pm-5:30pm, Room B101
- TSA Drones: Lunch, Thursdays, Room B101
- Website Club: Lunch, Wednesdays Room 321
Implicación del club
La semana pasada, el 25 de septiembre durante el almuerzo, Jackson-Reed organizó una vibrante feria de clubes donde los estudiantes pudieron aprender todo sobre los clubes de la escuela y cómo los estudiantes pueden participar para apoyarlos. ¡Consulte los clubes relacionados con STEM y cuándo y dónde se reúnen!
- Club de Arquitectura Ace: jueves de 8:00 a. m. a 9:00 a. m. en el salón 323
- Club Biomed: durante el almuerzo de los martes en la habitación 428
- Club de programación: jueves de 3:30 p. m. a 5:00 p. m. en el salón 403
- Sociedad de Honores de Ciencias de la Computación: DÍAS, HORARIOS, Y # DE SALA PRONTO
- Vehículo Eléctrico: martes y jueves de 3:30pm a 5:30pm en el salón B101
- e-NABLE: durante el almuerzo de los jueves en la sala 328.
- Equidad de género en STEM: DÍAS, HORARIOS, Y # DE SALA PRONTO
- Robótica: martes y viernes de 3:30pm a 5:30pm en el salón B101
- Chicas que codifican: durante el almuerzo de los martes en la sala 323
- HOSA-Futuros Profesionales de la Salud: durante el almuerzo los jueves en la sala 428
- Sociedad Nacional de Ingeniería Negra: durante el almuerzo los miércoles en la sala 328
- Drones TSA: durante el almuerzo de los jueves en la sala B101
Expectations & Support
Academy Expectations
At graduation, we like to celebrate our students who meet or exceed academy expectations and requirements with an assortment of honorary regalia. Additionally, for underclassmen, there are yearly benchmarks for students to meet and will recognize students who fulfill or exceed these expectations at the end of each year. For students who are returning to the academy, the points system that was in place last year has been replaced. Please review the respective expectations documents that are attached. Our STEM Academy Director Regina McClure will be visiting classes throughout October to explain this process further. Don't hesitate to reach out with questions.
Expectativas de la academia
En la graduación, nos gusta celebrar a nuestros estudiantes que cumplen o superan las expectativas y requisitos de la academia con una variedad de insignias honorarias. Además, para los estudiantes de los primeros años, hay puntos de referencia anuales que los estudiantes deben cumplir y reconoceremos a los estudiantes que cumplan o superen estas expectativas al final de cada año. Para los estudiantes que regresan a la academia, se ha reemplazado el sistema de puntos que estaba en vigencia el año pasado. Nuestra directora de la Academia STEM, Regina McClure, visitará las clases durante todo octubre para explicar este proceso con más detalle. ¡No dude en comunicarse con nosotros si tiene preguntas!
Student Support
- For support with IED: Every other Tuesday during lunch in room 328
- For support with POE: Every Wednesday during lunch in room 323
- For support with AE: Every Wednesday during lunch in room 323
- Support with DE: Every Thursday during lunch in room B101
- Every Monday after school 412
- Every Wednesday during lunch in room 412