The SciMaTech Academy is a STEM academy for students who are passionate about understanding how the technological world around them works. Our students choose pathways of specialization to focus their curiosity; these include math, engineering, biomedicine, environmental science, and computer science. We are geeks on a mission to enhance Jackson-Reed High School and to engineer the future. SciMaTech began in 1997 and now has 200 students and seven faculty advisors.

Clubs include the "Tiger Pride 2914” FIRST Robotics Team, Math Club, WilsonHacks, Science Club, Greenhouse Club, and Biomedicine Club. SciMaTech is responsible for Jackson-Reed’s pollinator greenhouse garden, Soapstone Creek management, the Annual Family Night Banquet, the FIRST Robotics annual kickoff, the Wilson National Society of Black Engineers Chapter, the Reilly Webb INOVA Blood Drive, the Green Apple Day of Service, Earth Day: Day of Action, and the Academy Capstone Presentation and Celebration.

Check out this presentation for more information about the STEM Academies.

Shout-out to our Math Instructional Coach Ms. Guo for coaching our mathletes to take the win during the Google math competition amongst other DCPS high schools! We are super proud of our students and Ms. Guo for representing our school well.
Blood Drive biomed

CRI Internships

Apply and learn more about Career Ready Internships for this Summer.

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Stay Connected

Staying connected/communication
There are a few ways for you to stay connected within the life of the academy. We offer a lot of opportunities and do not want you to miss out! Please be sure to join all the methods of communication below:
  • Remind: text 81010 this message: @jrnaf for engineering; @jrnafb for health sciences (biomed); @jritaca for IT. Parentsyou are encouraged to join as well!
  • Email Regina McClure, our STEM Academy Director

Latest Updates

Upcoming Events

Feb 19

George Washington University

Feb 21

Dress for Success and Linkedin Workshop

Feb 25

Georgetown University


Please check out the STEM-related clubs and when/where they meet!

  • Ace Architecture Club: Thursdays, 8:00am-9:00am, Rm. 323
  • Biomed Club:Lunch, Tuesdays, Room 428
  • Coding Club: Thursdays, 3:30-5:00pm, Room 403
  • Computer Science Honors Society
  • Electric Vehicle: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 3:30-5:30pm, Room B101
  • Enable: Lunch, Thurdays in Room 328.
  • Girls Who Code: Tuesdays, Lunch, Room 323
  • HOSA-Future Health Professionals: Lunch, bi-weekly Thursdays, Room 428
  • National Society of Black Engineering:Wednesdays, Lunch, Room 328
  • Robotics:Tuesdays & Fridays, 3:30pm-5:30pm, Room B101
  • TSA Drones: Lunch, Thursdays, Room B101
  • Website Club: Lunch, Wednesdays Room 321


Implicación del club

La semana pasada, el 25 de septiembre durante el almuerzo, Jackson-Reed organizó una vibrante feria de clubes donde los estudiantes pudieron aprender todo sobre los clubes de la escuela y cómo los estudiantes pueden participar para apoyarlos. ¡Consulte los clubes relacionados con STEM y cuándo y dónde se reúnen!

  • Club de Arquitectura Ace: jueves de 8:00 a. m. a 9:00 a. m. en el salón 323
  • Club Biomed: durante el almuerzo de los martes en la habitación 428
  • Club de programación: jueves de 3:30 p. m. a 5:00 p. m. en el salón 403
  • Sociedad de Honores de Ciencias de la Computación: DÍAS, HORARIOS, Y # DE SALA PRONTO
  • Vehículo Eléctrico: martes y jueves de 3:30pm a 5:30pm en el salón B101
  • e-NABLE: durante el almuerzo de los jueves en la sala 328.
  • Equidad de género en STEM: DÍAS, HORARIOS, Y # DE SALA PRONTO
  • Robótica: martes y viernes de 3:30pm a 5:30pm en el salón B101
  • Chicas que codifican: durante el almuerzo de los martes en la sala 323
  • HOSA-Futuros Profesionales de la Salud: durante el almuerzo los jueves en la sala 428
  • Sociedad Nacional de Ingeniería Negra: durante el almuerzo los miércoles en la sala 328
  • Drones TSA: durante el almuerzo de los jueves en la sala B101


Expectations & Support

Academy Expectations

At graduation, we like to celebrate our students who meet or exceed academy expectations and requirements with an assortment of honorary regalia. Additionally, for underclassmen, there are yearly benchmarks for students to meet and will recognize students who fulfill or exceed these expectations at the end of each year. For students who are returning to the academy, the points system that was in place last year has been replaced. Please review the respective expectations documents that are attached. Our STEM Academy Director Regina McClure will be visiting classes throughout October to explain this process further. Don't hesitate to reach out with questions.

Expectativas de la academia

En la graduación, nos gusta celebrar a nuestros estudiantes que cumplen o superan las expectativas y requisitos de la academia con una variedad de insignias honorarias. Además, para los estudiantes de los primeros años, hay puntos de referencia anuales que los estudiantes deben cumplir y reconoceremos a los estudiantes que cumplan o superen estas expectativas al final de cada año. Para los estudiantes que regresan a la academia, se ha reemplazado el sistema de puntos que estaba en vigencia el año pasado. Nuestra directora de la Academia STEM, Regina McClure, visitará las clases durante todo octubre para explicar este proceso con más detalle. ¡No dude en comunicarse con nosotros si tiene preguntas!

Student Support

Biomed:  For students who need support in their Biomed courses--we are offering: Biomed Tutoring, Wednesday Lunch at Ms. Krafft's room (428).  If you are interested in serving as a Biomed tutor, please sign up using this Biomed Tutoring Form
Engineering:   For students who need support in their Engineering Courses, please check out the following tutoring schedule starting the week of: October 15
  • For support with IED: Every other Tuesday during lunch in room 328
  • For support with POE: Every Wednesday during lunch in room 323
  • For support with AE: Every Wednesday during lunch in room 323
  • Support with DE: Every Thursday during lunch in room B101
 For student who want to serve as engineering tutors, please fill this form:
IT: For students who need support in their IT Courses, please check out the following tutoring schedule:
  • Every Monday after school 412
  • Every Wednesday during lunch in room 412
For students who want to serve as IT tutors, please fill out this form:

Full Calendar

All Updates

Attention to all IT Academy Student currently taking Computer Science Principles

February 16, 2025

As we look ahead to next school year, you have options for your third-level course in the IT Academy pathway. Please review the link to see your options and make your choice so we can plan ahead for sections for next year. Please come see Ms. McClure if you need more information about the course…

GenesysWorks Internship Opportunity for Current IT and Engineering Juniors

February 16, 2025

Below is a personal invitation to apply to Genesys Works and get the application sent to them; the generic application link, if students want to spend 15 minutes to complete the application right away; and the link to attend one of our general virtual info sessions below.  If students couldn’t attend our recruitment session, attending…

On Ramps to Careers Internship

February 16, 2025

This is a great summer internship opportunity for STEM juniors and seniors in IT and Engineering–especially for students who didn’t complete CRI or are seniors who aged out of CRI. Readall about the opportunity here: Please note that in order for you to get paid for this opportunity, you’ll have to complete the Summer Youth…

Verizon and RTX Internship Oppurtunities

February 16, 2025

NAF is thrilled to announce exciting summer internship opportunities with our national partners for 2025! These positions are highly competitive, with limited slots available exclusively for NAF students. Eligible students from Jackson-Reed High School AOE & AOIT are invited to participate in this year’s recruitment and application process.   Below, you’ll find detailed information about the internship…

Black History Month & Work-Based Learning Event: Meet Warren Shadd

February 15, 2025

Join us for an exclusive meet and greet with Warren Shadd, a Washingtonian child prodigy and second-generation piano technician! With a rich musical heritage, Warren has been influenced by his father, James Shadd, the piano tuner for the iconic Howard Theater, and his legendary aunt, singer Shirley Horn. Don’t miss the chance to connect and…

Spy Museum Summer Internship Opportunity (Paid in Volunteer Hours)

February 9, 2025

The International Spy Museum is recruiting new agents for our teen volunteer program this summer. We are looking for responsible, independent, and energetic individuals to help run our spy camp with campers ages 9-12. This is a great opportunity for teens to earn volunteer hours in a fun and meaningful way. The application is now open, and interviews are held…

Upcoming WBL Events/ Field Trips

February 3, 2025

Nats Prep – Feb. 5th  Ignite – Girls in STEM – Verizon 2/6 Ignite – Girls in STEM – Amazon 2/11 Department of Interior Museum – 2/13 Georgetown University – 2/25 George Washington University – 2/19 Wizards Game – 3/27 United Nations – TBD

Upcoming Events

February 2, 2025

Feb. 10: 9th Grade recruitment Feb. 11: 9th grade recruitment Feb. 11: Ignite-STEM girls fieldtrip to Verizon Feb. 13 CRI REsume deadline Feb. 12-13: On Ramps to Career Internship opportunity presentation to all junior/senior IT and engineering classes Feb. 14: Verizon internship application due Feb. 21: Dress for Success and Linked In Workshop Feb. 21:…

Verizon and RTX Internships for Academy Engineering/IT Sophomores and juniors:

February 2, 2025

NAF is thrilled to announce exciting summer internship opportunities with our national partners for 2025! These positions are highly competitive, with limited slots available exclusively for NAF students. Eligible students from Jackson-Reed High School AOE & AOIT are invited to participate in this year’s recruitment and application process.   Below, you’ll find detailed information about…

GenesysWorks Internship Opportunity for Current IT and Engineering Juniors

February 2, 2025

Below is a personal invitation to apply to Genesys Works and get the application sent to them; the generic application link, if students want to spend 15 minutes to complete the application right away; and the link to attend one of our general virtual info sessions below.  If students couldn’t attend our recruitment session, attending…

JR Academy Mock Interviews!

February 2, 2025

Calling all professionals! Please share this link far and wide! Please click the link below to access the landing page and sign-up for industry professionals who want to support with our Mock Interview workshops here at Jackson-Reed (in person) on March 5,6,7, in person from 9:00-12:00pm.  Once professionals sign, there will be a calendar invite…

9th Grade Recruitment Fair Sign-Up

February 2, 2025

On February 10th and 11th we’ll be hosting a 9th grade recruitment fair in the library so 9th graders have the opportunity to learn about and apply to an academy for their sophomore year. Students, please use the link below to sign up for a period to run your academy’s table. This counts as an ‘Academy Initiative’ credit—You’ll…

Apprenticeship Program

February 2, 2025

New Apprenticeship partnerships with CareerWorks and CareerWise DC.  We’ll have an info session about these opportunities for students interested in IT (an opportunity with Amazon) or the health field on February 18th during lunch! ~ Nuevas asociaciones de aprendizaje con CareerWorks y CareerWise DC. ¡Tendremos una sesión informativa sobre estas oportunidades para estudiantes interesados ​​en…

NAF News: 25-26 SY Academy Applications Open

February 2, 2025

Jackson-Reed Academy Application: Open from Feb 1, 2025 – Sep 5, 2025 Access to the SY 2025-2026 Academy Application  will go live at 6:00 am on 2/1/2025 and will close at 5:00 pm on 9/5/2025. Students are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis while there is room. Once an academy’s capacity is full, we’ll indicate…

NAF News: Seeking AV/Production or Graphic Design Employers

January 19, 2025

Are you interested in hosting a summer intern or know of any groups, organizations, or businesses that might be? AV/Production and Graphic Design students are seeking host employers for the summer. Check out the link below for more information! Host Employer Registration Information

NAF News: Upcoming Events

January 19, 2025

Jan. 21-23: FAFSA Support Drive Jan. 22nd: Biomed Lunch n’ Learn –E. Biddulph Jan. 27: Genesys Works Internship guest speaker: CSA, Game Design Jan. 28th: Food Pantry Volunteer Opportunity Lunch n’ Learn: Juniors Jan. 29th: GWU Urban Health Program Jan. 31st: CRI Application Due/Tenacity due Feb. 1st: Academy interest forms open on J-R website Feb.…

Project STEAM

January 19, 2025

Mission: The purpose of this program is to engage students in a TECHNOLOGY project which demonstrates the integration of SCIENCE and MATH concepts with the ARTS in an interactive fun way. The goal is to introduce simple coding concepts that show the behind the scenes “how to” of video game production and that wets the…

Veterinary Medicine Careers Exploration

January 19, 2025

The Humane Rescue Alliance and St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center Present VETERINARY MEDICINE CAREERS EXPLORATION:  a Virtual Workshop Created Especially for  High School Students & Undergraduates Interested in Veterinary Medicine Saturday, March 1, 2025 from 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon EDT The Career Exploration is an opportunity for students to learn directly from the experts!…

IT and Engineering Internship Opportunities

January 19, 2025

NAF is thrilled to announce exciting summer internship opportunities with our national partners for 2025! These positions are highly competitive, with limited slots available exclusively for NAF students. Eligible students from Jackson-Reed High School AOE & AOIT are invited to participate in this year’s recruitment and application process.   Below, you’ll find detailed information about…

Women in STEM Field Trips

January 19, 2025

Trip 1:IT/Engineering Girls: Amazon fieldtrip Feb. 6, 20 spots available: During this field trip to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Skills Center, students will have the opportunity to interact with exhibits during a tour/scavenger hunt of the Cloud Discovery. Students will participate in a tour of a data center and learn more about roles within…