2024 AP Exam Administration

2024 AP Exam Administration

The 2024 AP exam administration will be held from Monday, May 6 through Friday, May 17. The AP exam schedule is set by College Board; see the full schedule here.

Students in AP courses should log into their College Board account and check under “My AP” to make sure that all of the AP courses they are enrolled in appear there.

Testing locations, arrival times, and school entrance to use will be announced in mid-April.

Requesting Late Testing
If a student has two AP exams on the same day or needs to request late-testing for another reason considered valid by College Board , they should come to see Ms. Levenson in the College and Career Center to change one of the exams to the late-testing administration, which will be held Wednesday, May 22 through Friday, May 24. You can view the late-testing schedule on the College Board website.

AP Exams: Students with Accommodations
As messaged out in this newsletter in the fall, College Board’s deadline for requesting accommodations for AP exams was January 18, 2024.

If a student with accommodations wants to waive any of their accommodations, the parent/guardian must provide the request to waive in writing by emailing AP Coordinator Elizabeth Levenson, elizabeth.levenson@k12.dc.gov.